


The Effect of the Alliance Performance on Intention of Alliance Continuance: Control Mechanism as Moderators




丁學勤(Shueh-Chin Ting);劉憓諠(Hui-Hsuan Liu)


聯盟績效 ; 繼續聯盟意願 ; 控制機制 ; 策略聯盟 ; Alliance performance ; Intention of alliance continuance ; Control mechanism ; Strategic alliance




12卷2期(2012 / 12 / 01)


1 - 30






A lot of enterprises adopt strategic alliances to maintain and enhance their competitive advantages. Generally, while they have great alliance performance, they have strong intention of alliance continuance. However, in practice, some examples show that alliance performance is great, but the time of alliance cooperation is short. This study thinks that trust, communication and dependence relationship would moderate the relationship between alliance performance and intention of alliance continuance. The study employs questionnaire survey, and small and medium business enterprise in Taiwan is the objects of this research. Our hypotheses are tested by hierarchical moderator regression analysis (HMRA).We find that (1) alliance performance has direct and positive influence on intention of alliance continuance, (2) Control mechanisms has direct and positive influence on intention of alliance continuance, and (3) while trust is high, the effect of alliance performance on intention of alliance continuance is stronger than while trust is low; communication and dependence relationship also have the same effect. In summary, although alliance performance would positively affect intention of alliance continuance, when control mechanisms (trust, communication, dependence relationship) are bad, the positive influence of alliance performance on intention of alliance continuance becomes weak.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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