


The Relationship between the Quality of Life and Activity in Male Hemophilia Patients




羅鈺華(Yu-Hua, Lo);林美珍(Mei-Chen Lin);甘惠瑩(Hui-Ying Kan);楊貞華(Chen-Hua, Yang);謝燕青(Yen-Ching Hsieh);甘惠玲(Hui-Ling Kan)


血友病 ; 生活品質 ; 活動度 ; Pearson Correlation(比爾森相關係數) ; Hemophilia ; Quality of Life ; Activities ; Pearson Correlation




40卷1期(2023 / 04 / 01)


1 - 13




本研究為探討血友病病人生活品質與活動度相關性。以南部某醫學中心血友病病人為對象,使用結構式問卷進行資料收集,共31位病人。研究工具包括基本資料、疾病資料、血友病成人生活品質問卷(Haem-A-QoL)與血友病活動度量表(Haemophilia activities list),使用IBM SPSS 20進行資料統計分析,描述性資料包含個案數、百分比、平均值、標準差,推論性統計以Pearson Correlation作為相關性。結果:總計有31位病人完成本研究問卷,其年齡分布在19至61歲之間(平均年齡40.6歲),疾病嚴重度為輕度的佔77.4%,研究中發現病人的「生活品質」與「活動度」之間具有顯著的相關性(r=0.71)(p<0.05)。生活品質總分平均值為40.6分(0-100分計,分數越高代表生活品質越差),有45.2%的病人生活品質分數在40分以上。活動度總分平均值為14.5分,有61.3%的病人得分低於14.5分(1-6分計,分數越低代表活動越困難)。結論:血友病對生活品質的影響來自於活動度的優劣程度,出血處常發生在關節處而造成血腫、損壞、變形而導致不良於行,所以關節活動度越好,越能參與更多的運動項目與休閒活動,故臨床護理在預防出血與減緩關節病變是不可缺少的助力。


Aim: This study explored the correlation between the quality of life and activity of hemophilia patients. Methods: Using structured questionnaires to collect data of 31 hemophilia patients from one southern Taiwan Medical Center. Research tools included basic data, disease data, Haemophilia Quality of Life Questionnaire for Adults (Haem-A-QoL)and Haemophilia Activities List (HAL). IBM SPSS 20 was applied for data analysis. Descriptive data included the number of cases, percentages, averages and standard deviations, while inferential statistics used Pearson Correlation. Results: A total of 31 patients completed the study questionnaire, with ages ranging from 19 to 61 years (mean age, 40.6 years), and 77.4% had mild disease severity. The study found a significant correlation between "quality of life" and "activity" (r=0.71, p <0.05). The average quality of life total score was 40.6 scale(0-100 scale, the higher the score, the more impaired/poorer the quality of life), and 45.2% of the patients had impaired/poorer quality of life, while mean total activity score was 14.5, with 61.3% of patients scoring below 14.5(1-6 scale, the lower the score, the more difficult the activity).Conclusion: The impact of hemophilia on quality of life comes from the degree of activity, where bleeding often occurs in the joints, causing hematoma, damage, deformation and poor performance. Patients can participate in more sports and leisure activities if the activity of the joints is better. Clinical nursing is therefore an indispensable help in preventing bleeding and slowing joint disease.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 預防保健與衛生學
醫藥衛生 > 社會醫學
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