This article describes the nursing experience of treating a 98-year-old female breast cancer patient with bone metastasis in a hospice unit, including difficulties caused by Covid-19 pandemic prevention policies effecting the successful provision of end-of-life care. The nursing period was from May 14 to June 2, 2021. Data collection was performed through observation, interviews, physical examination, medical record review, and the four dimensions of assessment. The patient's primary health problems were impaired skin integrity, chronic pain, and spiritual distress. In addition to analgesic drugs, far-infrared, silver ion dressings and aromatherapy were used to relieve the patient's physical symptoms. However, the patient suffered from spiritual distress because her family could not visit her due to the epidemic preventive policies of Covid-19. By arranging video chat for the patient and her family, the author guided both of them to express the four themes of life (gratitude, apology, love, and goodbye) to each other in order to achieve the goal of hospice care. Hopefully, the nursing experience provides a reference for hospice caregivers in practicing end-of-life care during the Covid-19 pandemic.
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