


The Role of Market-Based Assets: The Resources-Based Theory Perspective




黃俊英(Jun-Ying Huang);陳世穎(Shih-Ying Chen)


市場基礎資産 ; 資源基礎理論 ; 持久競爭優勢 ; market-based assets ; resource-based theory ; sustainable competitive advantages




3期(2003 / 06 / 01)


43 - 59




本文首先了解市場基礎資産(market-based assets)的定義以及此資産透過企業流程(process)來創造競爭優勢,進而創造顧客價值(customer value)。因此連接資源基礎理論(resource-based theory,RBT)與行銷理論的觀念,來檢驗市場基礎資産是否符合資源基礎理論學者所提出的資源的特性包括:價值性(value)、稀少性(rareness)、不可模仿性(inimitability)以及不可替代性(non-substitutability);且分析市場基礎資産因具備上述特性而促使企業創造持久競爭優勢。最後提出結論與未來研究方向,以提供行銷與策略等領域學者在理論與實務的整合與參考之用。


This paper shows the definition of market-based assets and via the business processes to create the competitive advantage and customer values. Therefore, connect the resource-based theory and marketing theory to testify market-based assets whether to match the characteristics of resources: value、rareness、inimitability and non-substitutability; then analyze the market-based assets to create the sustainable competitive advantages because they owns the characteristics of resources which mentions above. Finally, make the conclusion and future research direction for the integration of marketing theory and strategic management in the theory and practices.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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