


The Study of Positive Mentality, Exercise self-efficacy, and Exercise Behavior




謝偉雄(Woei-Shung Hsieh);葉麗琴(Li-Chin Yeh)


大學生 ; 正向心理 ; 運動自我效能 ; 運動行爲 ; College students ; Positive mentality ; Exercise self-efficacy ; Exercise behavior




7期(2008 / 05 / 31)


105 - 121




本研究所要探討目的為:一、比較不同背景變項的大學生在正向心理、運動自我效能及運動行為上的差異。二、了解大學生正向心理、運動自我效能以及運動行為之間的關係。三、探討大學生的正向心理、運動自我效能對其運動行為預測情形。本研究以新竹地區八所大專院校學生為研究對象,共抽取1275人(男生610人,女生665人)。研究工具為樂觀量表、運動自我效能量表、運動行為問卷。所得資料以獨立樣本t考驗、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關及多元逐步迴歸分析等統計方法進行各項假設的驗證。所得研究結果如下: 一、女生的樂觀信念和樂觀影響力均高於男生;四年級大學生的樂觀信念高於一年級大學生;私立大學學生的樂觀信念高於公立大學學生;校隊的樂觀傾向高於一般生。 二、男生的運動自我效能的表現比女生高;大學校隊的運動自我效表現比一般生為高。 三、男生的運動行為的表現比女生高;校隊的運動行為表現比一般生高;公立學校學生的運動行為表現比私立學校學生高。 四、樂觀傾向運動自我效能、運動行為呈現正向相關;運動自我效能與運動行為呈現正相關。 五、運動自我效能、樂觀影響力、可預測運動行為總變異量的14%。


The purposes of this study were: 1. to compare the difference of positive mentality, exercise self-efficacy and exercise behavior between the college students of various background variables, 2. to understand the relationship among positive mentality, exercise self-efficacy and exercise behavior, 3. to explore the prediction of college students' positive mentality, exercise self-efficacy and, prediction to exercise behavior. There were 1275 participants (male 610, female 665) drawn from eight colleges of Hsin-Chu area. All the subjects were administered optimistic inventory, exercise self-efficacy inventory and exercise behavior questionnaire. The collected data were analyzed by t-test, one-way anova, Pearson's product-moment correlation, and multiple stepwise regression analysis. The results were as follows: 1. Female students had higher optimistic beliefs and optimistic influence than those of male students. Senior students had higher optimistic beliefs than those of freshman students. Private college students had higher optimistic beliefs than those of public college students. Sport team athletes had higher optimistic inclination than that of general students. 2. Male students had higher exercise self-efficacy than that of female students. Sport team athletes had higher exercise self-efficacy than that of general students. 3 Male students had higher exercise behavior than that of female students. Sport team athletes had higher exercise behavior than that of general students. Public college students had higher exercise behavior than that of private college students. 4. Optimistic inclination had positive relationship with, exercise self-efficacy and exercise behavior. Exercise self-efficacy had positive relationship with exercise behavior. 5. Exercise self-efficacy, optimistic influence, could predict the variance of exercise behavior 14%.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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