


The Effects of Yoga on Anxiety, Depression and Quality of Life for Middle Aged Women




張淑玲(Shu-Ling Chang)


瑜珈 ; 中年婦女 ; 焦慮 ; 憂鬱 ; 生活品質 ; yoga ; anxiety ; depression ; quality of life ; middle aged women




9期(2010 / 05 / 31)


51 - 65




本研究目的是探討瑜珈運動的介入對中年婦女焦慮、憂鬱及生活品質方面之影響。本研究採取實驗法,以身心健康正常,未從事任何運動訓練的中年婦女40名為受試對象,以隨機區分為瑜珈組與對照組,每組20名進行實驗研究,為期共十二週。對照組(平均年齡42.75±4.87歲,平均身高156.14±3.90公分,平均體重53.66±4.97公斤)不做任何運動,瑜珈組(平均年齡43.85±7.51歲,平均身高157.03±5.12公分,平均體重53.11±9.16公斤)實施每週兩次,每次70分鐘瑜珈運動。實驗前後請各組受試者於安靜狀態下,接受自評焦慮量表與自評憂鬱量表、貝克憂鬱量表(BDI-Ⅱ, Beck Depression Inventory Ⅱ)以及生活品質量表(簡明版世界衛生組織生活品質問卷,WHOQOL-BREF)為測量工具。結果發現:(一)瑜珈組的自評焦慮量表及自評憂鬱量表實驗期間明顯降低;貝克憂鬱量表指數實驗期間亦明顯降低。(二)瑜珈組的生活品質除社會關係以及外在環境等並無明顯的變化外,生理健康、心理與個人信念、生活品質總分以及綜合自我評估等指數,實驗期間明顯提高。


OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to explore the effects of yoga exercise on anxiety, depression and quality of life for middle aged women. METHODS: Forty middle aged women (mean age 42.75±4.87 yr, mean height 156.14±3.90 cm, and mean weight 53.66±4.97 kg) volunteered to participate in the study. They were randomly assigned to a yoga or control group. All subjects signed an informed consent form prior to participation in the experiment. The experimental group received a regular schedule of yoga exercise (seventy minutes a day, two days each week) for twelve weeks, while the control group was prohibited from any exercise. Anxiety, depression (SAS, SDS and BDI-Ⅱ, Beck Depression Inventory Ⅱ)、health (SRHMS, Self-rated Health Measurement Scale Version 1.0) and quality of life (WHOQOL-BREF) were evaluated before and after the experiment. A dependent t-test was used to compare the differences between pre-test and post-test. RESULTS: The outcome of the study demonstrated a significant trend of decreased anxiety and depression for the yoga group at the end of the experiment, as compared to the beginning. With regard to self-rated health, a significant increase was identified. It was also noted that their quality of life (except social domain and environmental domain) improved significantly.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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