The visitors' attitudes, visiting motivations and visiting behaviors to informal science educational venues (ISEVs) are closely related to operation and management. This study aims to investigate Taiwan citizens' attitudes, motivation to visits, activity patterns and changing trends toward ISEVs through 2015 and 2018. Further investigate the correlation between visiting or not and attitudes to some ISEVs and the differences among citizens of different backgrounds. The data were collected from the survey of Taiwanese Citizens' Science and Technology Literacy Project. The representative adult samples of 1,831 and 1,657 citizens were surveyed in 2015 and 2018 respectively, using probability proportional to size sampling method. Face interviewed with selected citizens to get data. Then, we used independent-sample t test, ANOVA and correlation analysis to analyze the data. The results of the study found that Taiwanese citizens had positive attitudes toward ISEVs and the visitors of ISEVs had higher positive attitude in the two surveys. The main motivation for Taiwan citizens to visit ISEVs was "to enhance interpersonal interaction", followed by "to enhance understanding of science and technology", and then "to enhance interest in science and technology" in 2018 data set. They also considered that the "hands-on activities" of ISEVs can attract their visits. The background analyses of visitors found that the younger, the higher education and with small children of the citizens have a better positive attitude towards ISEVs. In addition, the citizens with an attitude of "providing good educational resources" towards ISEVs in 2018 is significantly lower than those in 2015. The correlation between visiting or not and attitudes to some ISEVs in 2018 is also lower than in 2015. The above results show that the main motivations for Taiwanese citizens to visit ISEVs are focusing on "interpersonal interaction or leisure" and supplemented by "education or learning". Consequently, we suggest that ISEVs should not only emphasize their educational functions, but also provide comfortable environment facilities and atmosphere, or various and practical hands-on activities for edutainment to meet the needs of the audience, in order to attract more non-audiences to visit, this study also gave some suggestions for the operation and management of ISEVs in the future.
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