


Challenges and New Strategies for Museums in the COVID-19


吳孟青(Meng-Ching Wu)


嚴重特殊傳染性肺炎 ; 服務轉型 ; 最小可行性產品 ; COVID-19 ; Service Transformation ; Minimum Viable Product




26卷1期(2022 / 03 / 01)


49 - 71




臺灣在2021年5月17日進入COVID-19疫情第三級警戒,國內博物館全面休館。面臨無法預知疫情何時可以結束的情況下,國立臺灣歷史博物館啟動服務轉型計畫,期能開展現場服務以外的可能性,探索引導大眾有效參與博物館的新取徑,持續實踐博物館服務社會的使命。服務轉型計畫以展場服務人員為主力,由公共服務與教育組館員主責,蒐集國內外各大博物館面對疫情的做法,形成標竿學習的典範。計畫採用新創MVP概念(Minimum Viable Product),以最小可行性的方法快速驗證方案與模式,數個專案並行發展,鼓勵服務人員由自身的專業出發,自主運作發展,蒐集使用者回饋。至7月初發展的專案,包括常設展線上導覽、podcast節目「敝姓臺很高興為您服務」及臺史博出任務線上版等。正當計畫逐漸步上軌道,中央疫情指揮中心宣布微解封,博物館列入第一波開放的名單,於7月13日重新開館,囿於人力調度,專案進度暫緩,以開館為首要目標。我們以2021年518博物館日的主題「博物館的未來:復甦與新象」自我激勵,敏捷而有韌性的因應變化,期待面對後疫情時代,以嶄新的實務作法,創造價值迎向新局。


On May 17 2021, Taiwan's museums had to close, because of the nationwide Level 3 alert for COVID-19. The COVID-19 crisis has profoundly affected societies around the world, and the cultural sector has been one of the most affected. Despite the challenges posed by this unprecedented crisis, the National Museum of Taiwan History (NMTH) had to look for more possibilities to serve the public. Therefore, the Public Service and Education Division of NMTH found ways to reach out to its audiences and keep its reception personnel team together during the initial months of the pandemic. Drawing inspiration from excellent cases of major museums around the world, we rolled out a new service program. The program adopted the new MVP concept (Minimum Viable Product) to quickly verify the scheme and model. The reception personnel were encouraged to use some form of digital engagement to stay connected with the museum's audiences, and support those with limited means. By early July, this program had developed several projects such as permanent online exhibition tours, podcasts and online version of scavenger hunt etc. Just as the program was gradually on track, the Central Epidemic Command Center announced new guidelines on easing the pandemic restrictions. Under this policy, Taiwan's major museums would reopen with conditions on July 13. To resume the museum's adapted operations successfully, the program had been suspended. In the face of the epidemic, we stay resilient and reinvent ourselves to transform this emergency for a better future.

主题分类 人文學 > 藝術
社會科學 > 教育學
社會科學 > 管理學
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