


An Adaptive, Collaborative, and Constructive Interaction Design in e-Learning




諶家蘭(Jia-Lang Seng);余玫萱(M. S. Yu)


互動式學習 ; 協同式學習 ; 適性式學習 ; 建構式學習 ; 數位學習 ; Interactive Learning ; Collaborative Learning ; Adaptive Learning ; Constructive Learning ; Electronic Learning ; Cooperative Learning


Electronic Commerce Studies


3卷4期(2005 / 12 / 31)


331 - 358




資訊科技對學習引發了全面性的變革,網路無遠弗屆、快速便利的特性,更使得網路學習、線上學習、數位學習等利用網路與資訊科技的結合的學習方式為大家所重視。未來邁入知識經濟後,人們更需要不斷的學習來提昇自己的競爭力,透過學習獲取知識。資訊科技與網路的結合,為數位學習帶來許多的優勢與特點,但是雖然數位學習的網站很多,大多數仍無法達到如傳統學習的學習效果,學習者通常瀏覽過一兩次後,便失去學習的興趣,因此數位學習系統仍缺乏整合性的規劃與開發。目前網路上許多的數位學習系統提供的互動機制不足,學習者缺乏人際互動的模式與活動,除此之外,許多互動模式無法得到參與學習的使用者之青睞,學習者甚少使用,如同虛設。因此本論文企圖建立和設計一項整合性與互動的數位學習模式,解決目前網路學習在互動中所遭遇的瓶頸。本研究從適性學習(Adaptive Learning)、協同學習(Collaborative and Cooperative Learning)、與建構學習(Constructive Learning)三方面進行設計,互動機制可以達到此三個目的。


Information technology and Internet technology have brought the revolution to learning, training, and education. Knowledge-based economy has made know-how and knowledge the most important success factor for individuals and companies. Many corporations and educational institutions have developed e-Learning web sites. But due to the lack of adequate interactive mechanisms, most of them cannot provide the efficient and effective learning mechanisms. This research aims to develop an interaction-centric e-Learning design method that is based on the principles of adaptive, collaborative, and cooperative, constructive learning concepts.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
社會科學 > 經濟學
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