


The Effect of Advertising Representtaion and Short-term Memory Capability Tendency on Mobile Advertisement




陳年興(Nian-Shing Chen);謝盛文(Sheng-Wen Hsieh)


手機廣告 ; 短期記憶能力 ; 廣告效果 ; 訊息處理理論 ; Mobile advertisement ; Short-term memory ; Advertising effect ; Information processing theory


Electronic Commerce Studies


4卷2期(2006 / 06 / 30)


157 - 180






Advertisement is an important means for promotion products. With the soaring development of wireless communication and mobile devices, such as mobile phone or PDA, mobile advertisement has gradually become a new medium for product promotion. Although this kind of advertisement is not popular yet, it indeed reveals numerous opportunities for companies to gain profits in the near future. Therefore, it becomes a very important issue for advertising companies to find the most suitable model for mobile advertisement. Which type of short message SMS or MMS is better for conveying advertising message? What is the effect of using multimedia mobile advertisement? To analyze these important issues, we adopt the information processing theory and carry on an experiment to find out the relationship of advertising representation methods and short-term memory capability tendency on mobile advertisement. The results show that if the short-term memory capability tendency is text and the advertising representation is SMS, or if the short-term memory capability tendency is picture and the advertising representation is MMS, both are better than if the short-term memory capability tendency is picture and the advertising representation is SMS or if the short-term memory capability tendency is txt and the advertising representation is MMS.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
社會科學 > 經濟學
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