


The Influence of Intra-Organizational Environment on Employees' Goal Orientations and e-learning Achievement




陳嵩(Song Chen);蔡青曄(Ching-Yeh Tsai);陳光偉(Kuang-Wei Chen)


組織內部環境 ; 目標取向 ; 數位學習 ; 學習成效 ; intra-organizational environment ; goal orientations ; e-learning ; learning achievement


Electronic Commerce Studies


9卷2期(2011 / 06 / 30)


199 - 221






Facing increasing competition and increased customer sophistication, learning can help the enterprises to increase competitive advantages for long-term. Therefore, how to enhance the ability of employees through training and learning is important for the business. Recently the e-learning classes are applied popularly in the enterprises. This study, with the e-learning of employees as its background, explores the relationships among intra-organizational environment (including competitive psychological climate and commitment to learning), employee's goal orientations, and e-learning achievement. The participants were 218 employees from small and medium-sized enterprise using e-learning platform for ERP. Path analysis shows that (1)organizational commitment to learning has positive effect on employees' learning goal orientation, competitive psychological climate has positive effect on employees' proving goal orientation and negative effect on avoiding goal orientation; (2)both employee's learning and proving goal orientations all have positive effects on their e-learning achievement, and avoiding goal orientation has negative influence on their e-learning achievement; (3)contrary to expectation, the results indicate that competitive psychological climate has indirect and positive influence on employees' e-learning achievement. Finally, managerial implications are provided for human resources management and department management.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
社會科學 > 經濟學
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