


A Study of Purchase Intentions of Somatosensory Video Game: Based on Flow Model, Network Externality and TPB Model




郭冠樟(Kuan-Chang Kuo);葉乘豪(Cheng-Hao Ye)


體感遊戲 ; 計畫行為理論 ; 網路外部性 ; 沉浸理論 ; 使用者滿意 ; somatosensory video game ; theory of planed behavior ; network externality ; flow model ; user satisfaction


Electronic Commerce Studies


10卷2期(2012 / 06 / 30)


199 - 216




2006年任天堂推出的Wii在美國與日本上市後,創新的體感遊戲讓它成功的擊敗兩大競爭對手的產品(Xbox360 與PS3)。然而,根據資策會在2010年的報告指出,體感遊戲機市場將在2011年開始走下坡,其原因在於智慧型手機與平板電腦市場的熱銷,進而擠壓到體感遊戲機之市場,因此,如何提高體感遊戲機之銷售已將是重要之課題。Cummings and Duncan與Manley and Whitaker曾研究體感遊戲機對於使用者能否提升工作效益、提升肢體協調以及增加體育課的有趣度做過研究。然而針對體感遊戲機做消費者行為調查的研究卻相當罕見,因此本研究提出結合沉浸經驗、網路外部性、計畫行為理論與使用者滿意度做為體感遊戲的消費行為的研究架構。本研究共發放400份問卷,有效問卷共314份,有效問卷率79%。以SEM(structural equation modeling)進行6個假設驗證。結果顯示主觀規範與網路外部性並無顯著影響態度與行為意圖之外,其餘均成立。網路外部性並無顯著影響態度的原因可能是目前體感遊戲機的網路連線技術不成熟及使用者多半與家人同樂所致;而主觀規範並無顯著影響行為意圖可能是因為體感遊戲機的單價較高,使得消費者在短時間內的購買意願並不會受到他人的影響而做出決定。


After Nintendo launched the Wii in America and Japan in 2006, it defeated Xbox360 and play station three (PS3) by its innovative somatosensory. However, in 2010 the institute for information industry (III) indicated that market of somatosensory will lose steam in 2011 because the selling volume of the smartphone and the tablet personal computer is high. Therefore, improving the selling volume of Somatosensory is important. Cummings and Duncann and Manley and Whitaker have explored whether the somatosensory can upgrade the users' working efficiency, co-ordination and the interest of physical education, but the study about the consumer behavior is lacked. Therefore, we present a model based on flow experience, network externality, the theory of planned behavior (TPB) and consumer's satisfaction to analysis the consumer behavior of Somatosensory.400 surveys were distributed, and 314 surveys were valid. This yielded a valid response rate of nearly 79 percent. We adopted SEM to test six different hypothesizes. The results indicates the link between subjective norm and network externality have no significant effects on attitude and intention, but other hypothesizes are significant. The possible reason why network externality has no significant effect on attitude is that the internet connectivity technology of somatosensory is not good enough, and most people play the games with their family. The high price of somatosensory may cause the link between subjective norm and intention to be not significant; therefore, consumers' purchase intentions and decisions won't be influenced by others.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
社會科學 > 經濟學
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