


The Effects of Value Management on Stickiness in Group-buying Community


池福灶(Fu-Chiao Chyr);陳立芙(Silvia Chen);黃上晏(Shan-Yan Huang)


團購社群 ; 顧客滿意度 ; 承諾 ; 黏著度 ; group-buying community ; customer satisfaction ; commitment ; stickiness


Electronic Commerce Studies


16卷1期(2018 / 03 / 31)


1 - 26






Online community is one of major social networks that can exchange experiences and interact with others easily. Group-buying communities become a new channel to touch customers, and they create an interpersonal communication platform in matching supply and demand of marketing. The issues focusing on value creation and exploring interactions between members and managers in group-buying communities are worth and interesting. This study surveyed the members who have experiences to use group-buying communities. Structure equation modeling (SEM) will be applied to examine the correlations among value management (technology value, content value, and social value), customer satisfaction, commitment, stickiness, and purchase intention. The results show that: 1. value management positively affects customer satisfaction in group-buying communities; 2. value management positively affects commitment through customer satisfaction in group-buying communities; 3. customer satisfaction positively affects stickiness and purchase intention; 4. commitment positively affects stickiness and purchase intention. Generally, content value can reflect the most value management effects in group-buying communities. Increasing the intensity of customer satisfaction can keep member stickiness and dependence on group-buying communities. Further, developing high quality relationships on group-buying communities and using information technology deeply (live function) can increase customer satisfaction and stickiness.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
社會科學 > 經濟學
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