


An Exploratory Study on the Application of Product Placement in Tobacco Control




王毓莉(Yu-Li Wang)


理念行銷 ; 置入性行銷 ; 菸害防制 ; 健康傳播 ; idea marketing ; product placement ; tobacco control ; health communication




8期(2005 / 12 / 01)


115 - 159






One hot issue that has been intensively debated in Taiwan is the utilization of ”product placement” in media contents. The advertising and marketing practitioners have employed ”product placement” to promote products or merchandises. Product information has been embedded in media contents in order to increase brand awareness, influence the consumer's attitude positively toward the product, and stimulate the willingness for the consumer to purchase the products. While consuming media contents, the audience is also unconsciously exposed to commercial information. The objectives of this study were first to explore the utilization of product placement in promoting the concept of tobacco control. Secondly, to provide guidelines for better use of product placement in government tobacco control. To achieve these objectives, this study employed the qualitative analysis of the product placement cases in tobacco control, the methods of the focus group interview, and in-depth interviews.

主题分类 社會科學 > 傳播學
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