


Challenges in Indigenous Practice of Health Campaigns Related to Social Stigma: A Case Study of the HIV/AIDS Harm Reduction Program in Taiwan




徐美苓(Mei-Ling Hsu)


社會烙印 ; 健康宣導 ; 減害計畫 ; 愛滋病 ; 靜脈藥癮注射 ; social stigma ; health campaign ; harm reduction program ; HIV/AIDS ; injecting drug user (IDU)




24期(2013 / 12 / 01)


281 - 318






This study explored the challenges faced by people engaged in the HIV/AIDS Harm Reduction Program in Taiwan. This study used a nationwide telephone survey of the adult population and in-depth interviews with the stakeholders implementing the program. Survey results show that perceptions of the program were poor and that very few people supported it. Factors influencing support for drug substitution treatments and needle-syringe programming, varied. Nevertheless, nearly half of the survey respondents defined injecting drug users (IDU) with HIV/AIDS as patients and approximately one third defined them as victims. These results reveal an empathetic attitude and contradict the opinion of certain interviewees who described the Taiwanese public as conservative and narrow-minded. The study suggests an improvement to campaign implementation and evaluation strategies, and urges decision-makers not to underestimate the capacity of the Taiwanese public to accept Harm Reduction Program.

主题分类 社會科學 > 傳播學
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