


A Probe into the Labor Market Influence on Workers' Labor Participation in Taiwan's Hairdressing Industry From the Exchange Theory




林泳瀠(Lin ,Yung-Ying);廖年淼(Lyau ,Nyan-Myau)


美髮 ; 勞動市場 ; 勞動者 ; 勞動參與 ; 交換理論 ; hairdressing ; labor market ; labor ; labor participation ; exchange theory




14卷1期(2017 / 06 / 01)


163 - 184




本研究主要針對美髮產業勞動市場進行影響勞動者參與之相關內涵進行探究,由於相關研究文獻貧瘠,故以深度訪談方式對七位不同工作年資之勞動者進行訪談,探詢勞動參與者因工作參與而產生的各面向事證,以交換理論觀點探討美髮從業人員透過實際的勞動參與產生的內外在實際影響為何;經由資料蒐集與彙整了解美髮產業勞動市場勞動參與者大多落在20~34 歲之間(60.9%),此年齡層的勞動者選擇退出該產業的比例也相對較高(65.4%),在美髮勞動市場服務未滿一年便退出該產業的人數佔總人數的50.8%,其次是服務年資1~3 年的勞動者(34.5%),由此可以了解,轉換其他產業與否最關鍵為就業之前三年,該職務多為助理、準設計師,薪資水準相較於其他產業為低。研究結果將影響美髮勞動市場勞動參與分為內在酬償與外在酬償兩部份。結果發現,外在酬償因素中的薪資高低、工作環境舒適度、公司福利制度擬定皆為影響美髮勞動市場產業勞動參與者主要前置因素;個人內在酬償部分,勞動參與者透過人際互動、自我表達、職場臨場感、未來願景及透過專業技術獲取得成就感等皆為影響勞動參與者互動性與自我揭露的主要前置因素。因此建議美髮勞動市場業者藉由薪資水準改善、彈性工時調整與工作環境建置,讓勞動參與者在進行專業服務時能更具有彈性與自主性,並讓勞動參與者在進行互動時,能有親近、愉快與溫暖的感受,且提升工作過程中的相互支援與互惠性程度。當勞動參與者所知覺到的酬償或利益性程度上升時,產業或工作單位內部的互動性與自我揭露亦會增加,而當勞動參與者間的互惠互動過程越多時,亦會對整個產業環境產生影響,留住並吸引更多勞動參與者投入該產業。


This study mainly aims at exploring the relevant connotation of the laborers' participation in the labor market of the hairdressing industry. Due to the barrenness of the research literature, seven in-depth interviews with laborers with different working periods were conducted to explore the evidence from work participants for work-related issues. From the point of view of exchange theory, this paper explores the practical effect of the internal and external factors of the hairdressing workers through the actual labor participation. Through data collection and compilation, the salon industry labor market labor participants are mostly between 20 to 34 years old (60.9%) .This age group of workers choose to exit the industry is also relatively high (65.4%). In the hairdressing labor market, the 50.8% of workers works less than a year and withdraw from the industry, followed by workers who work 1 to 3 years (34.5%). It can be understood that transferring to other industries or not the the most critical is the first three years of employment. The job mostly hair dressing assistant and associate designers, the salary levels compared to other industries is low. The results divided the influence of the labor market participation in hairdressing labor into internal compensation and external compensation two parts. The results show that the salary factors, the working environment comfort and the company welfare system are the main preconditions for the labor participants in the hairdressing labor market. In the part of personal internal remuneration, the main preconditions for the interaction and self-disclosure of labor participants are interpersonal interaction, self-expression, career telepresence, future vision and achievement through professional and technical skills. Therefore, it is suggested that the salaried labor market operators should have more flexibility and autonomy in carrying out professional services by improving the salary level, flexible working hours adjustment and working environment, and allow the participants in the interaction, can have a close, happy and warm feelings, and enhance the work process of mutual support and reciprocity. When the level of compensation or interest perceived by the participant is increased, the interaction and self-disclosure within the industry or work unit will also increase, and as the reciprocal interaction process among the labor participants increases, The industrial environment has an impact, retain and attract more labor participants into the industry.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 醫藥總論
醫藥衛生 > 基礎醫學
醫藥衛生 > 中醫藥學
醫藥衛生 > 外科
醫藥衛生 > 藥理醫學
社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
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