


The Effects of Teacher Support, Math Self-Efficacy, and Math Interest on Career Intention




賴英娟(Ying-Chuan Lai)


教師支持 ; 數學自我效能 ; 數學興趣 ; 職業意向 ; TIMSS ; career intention ; math interest ; math self-efficacy ; teacher support ; TIMSS




28期(2010 / 09 / 01)


1 - 27






This study investigates the impact of teacher support, math self-efficacy, and math interest on career intention on the validity of the theoretical model that the researcher proposed. There were 5,217 participants drawn from a pool of eighth grade students from the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) database in 2003. The results revealed the following: (1) Teacher support not only influenced math self-efficacy and math interest directly, but also had indirect influence on career intention through math self-efficacy and math interest. (2) Math self-efficacy had direct effects on math interest and career intention, and it also had indirect influence on career intention through math interest. (3) Math interest influenced career intention directly. (4) The theoretical model proposed in the study had a good model-data fit. Finally, the detailed results and suggestions for further research and implementation are discussed.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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