


Satisfactions of Career Compromise: The Moderator Effect of Educational Opportunity Structure


蔡秦倫(Chin-Lun Tsai);王思峯(Sy-Feng Wang)


垂直-水平妥協 ; 框限-妥協觀 ; 學職轉換 ; 機會結構 ; 職業渴望 ; career aspirations ; career opportunity structure ; circumscription-compromise theory ; school to work transitions ; vertical-horizontal compromise




43期(2015 / 08 / 01)


1 - 33




大專青年失業率比起其他年齡層高出許多,大抵問題為「高成低就」及「學用落差」。本文採用社會-心理取向的框限妥協觀(the circumscription-compromise theory)為基礎,重構了兩類妥協,即垂直妥協(高成低就)與水平妥協(學用關聯),並關注其後效(三種滿意),亦強調了教育機會結構特徵(文理-專業類型)在兩類型妥協對後效的調節效果。研究資料採用輔仁大學96、97學年度畢業一年大專畢業生之調查資料,分別以多元迴歸及結構方程分析進行探究。結果發現,在妥協主效果中,兩類妥協對滿意度皆有負向影響,且垂直妥協的影響力高於水平妥協(假設1、1a)。此外,在教育機會結構特徵(文理-專業類型)的調節效果中,文理型在意垂直妥協,而不在意水平妥協(未達顯著水準);而專業型除了對兩類妥協皆在意,且在意水平妥協的程度高於垂直妥協之趨勢(假設2、2a、2b)。橫跨學職兩端的職涯滿意更適合作為妥協的後效。本研究亦提出:(1)妥協概念由強度觀轉向類別觀;(2)顯現框限妥協觀的機會結構調節性範型。在輔導實作面,對妥協的介入,可強化學子對職業我的認識;亦可強化學子對機會結構的自我期望與覺知歷程,以調節面臨的垂直、水平妥協。因而,以職業資訊系統作為介入方案,或許是恰當方向。


The unemployment rate of university students is much higher than that of other age groups in Taiwan. The unemployment problem is generally attributed to high educational levels and low employment, as well as the education-job gap. This study was based on circumscription-compromise theory of the social- psychological perspective, and consisted of. Two two types of compromise: a vertical (high educational level and low employment) and a horizontal compromise (the education-job correlation), and also emphasized the moderating effect of education opportunity structure (liberal arts & science vs. professional schools) between two types of compromise and three types of satisfaction. To test the theoretical model, we utilized data drawn from a sample of alumnus who were graduated from 2007 and 2008th academic year at Fu Jen University in Taiwan and had a year of work experience. We tested hypotheses using multiple regression and structural equation modeling. The results illustrated that the main effects of vertical and horizontal compromise were found to have negatively impact on satisfaction of school to work transition. Moreover, the negative effect of vertical compromise was higher than that of the horizontal compromise. The findings also indicated that the moderating effect of opportunity structures could increase the effect of compromise on satisfaction of school to work transition. Students graduated from liberal art schools were more concerned about vertical compromise than horizontal compromise. On the other hand, students graduated from professional schools were more concerned with horizontal compromise than vertical compromise. Finally, career satisfaction across both end of the school and work is more suitable as criterion of compromise. This study suggested that: (1) Career compromise concept is converted to type-based by strength-based; (2) Opportunity structure is demonstrated to the moderating paradigm in approach of circumscription-compromise theory. For counseling practice, the intervention of compromise may enhance students recognition of occupational self. The intervention may also enhance student's expectations and perceptions of the education opportunity structure that could reduce compromise effect in their career. Hence, the occupational information system as the approach of the intervention might be worth consideration.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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