


Editor's note - Crisis, Chance, Resilience and Culture Context: Probing into the Direction, Goal and Strategy of Indigenous Counseling Psychology




王智弘(Chih-Hung Wang);劉淑慧(Shu-Hui Liu);孫頌賢(Sung-Hsien Sun);夏允中(Yung-Jong Shiah)


心理諮商本土化 ; 本土諮商心理學 ; 危機 ; 創傷 ; 復原力 ; Crisis ; indigenization of counseling ; indigenous counseling psychology ; resilience ; trauma




50期(2017 / 12 / 01)


1 - 28






Crisis is an unavoidable issue in the life of mankind. However, people's attitudes and ways to deal with the crisis may vary from person to person and from cultural backgrounds. How do we to turn the crisis into a chance? One of the key factors is resilience. This article aims at the issue of cultural context and resilience, which are all involved in the five essays in this volume as the theme of this article. First of all, we take the issue of cultural context as the starting point of this article. Then we review the research and the development of theory on resilience. This article echoes the construction of the positive psychology concept. It has undergone four wave studies such as factors, process, operation mechanism and multiple analysis levels of theoretical development since 1982. Based on this review, five essays in this volume focus on the discussion of resilience-related issues. The five essays included in this volume of journal mainly focus on the first wave of positive psychology. A few essays involve the operation of the third and fourth waves of positive psychology. In addition to appealing to future researchers to adopt the second wave of positive psychology, this article calls for citing references to the development of the second wave of positive psychology discussed in the previous volume of our journal, drawing on the point of view of contextual variable, Chinese dialectical thinking and duality, as the fifth wave acting as the development guidelines. This article puts forward the indigenous counseling psychology research of resilience with the perspective of contextual variables, with an aim to bring the direction, goal and strategy of indigenous counseling psychology and indigenization of counseling research. The directions of indigenous counseling psychology research are: (1) To review the history: The researchers need to review the past history from the perspective of counseling psychology to carry out the historical research of counseling psychology; (2) To confirm the theme: The researchers are suggested to not only focus on innovative research topics of indigenous culture characteristics, but also consider the comparison and docking with the previous counseling psychology research topics; (3)To establish the method: The researches are suggested to not only use the existing research methods, but also new methods based on cultural relevance and innovation research topics, for the indigenous counseling psychology studies, being local or global. The goals of indigenous counseling psychology research are: (1) The introduction of foreign theory (localization): The foreign counseling theory would be more applicable to the local people through the amending process based on the local culture.; (2) The indigenization of cultural integration (acculturative indigenization): Western counseling theories and techniques can be integrated with the cultural tradition and the living experience of the East, and finally transformed to new counseling theories; (3) The indigenization of cultural inheritance (enculturative indigenization): Based on the local culture and experience, we could create new original counseling theories and techniques. The new original counseling theories will be more applicable to the local people and will also demonstrate different counseling approaches to the Western counseling professionals. The strategies of indigenous counseling psychology research are: (1) Concept exploration: It is suggested to combine use of Eastern traditional wisdom as the theme, and adopt the Western philosophy of science as the basis to have clever choices of appropriate cultural content and research methods for indigenous counseling psychological research; (2) Theory construction: The construction of counseling theory could represent both the universal mind and the local cultural mentality; (3) Research validation: The researchers are encouraged to conduct research to support the new theory of indigenous counseling psychology, with an view to demonstrating its academic and practical application value. Finally, the current volume of our journal calls for new development of indigenous counseling psychology and Chinese counseling profession.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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