


Hermeneutics Analysis of Life Goals Change within Narrative Therapy Process and Narrative Structure Feature




黃素菲(Su-Fei Huang)


生活目標 ; 敘事結構 ; 敘事諮商 ; 詮釋分析 ; Hermeneutic analysis ; life goal ; narrative counseling ; narrative structure




51期(2018 / 04 / 01)


143 - 179




本研究的分析文本是研究參與者經過25次敘事諮商的逐字稿,採取現象學取向的方法,根據Van Kamm的七個步驟進行逐字稿文本分析。共獲得六個研究結果:一、描繪使她活成「沒有自己」的那個世界的特徵。二、經由鬆動主流故事,看到隱藏的故事線,以「離」開被建構的生活目標。三、釐清共寫與重構故事的歷程。四、探討經由敘事視框轉變如何浮現出主體性的生活目標。五、整理出生活目標在敘事結構中的改變特徵,包括:1.被建構的敘事:受制狀態的敘事結構特徵;2.解構的敘事,鬆動狀態的敘事結構特徵;3.重構的敘事,重寫狀態的敘事結構特徵;4.生活目標是在「前置經驗」與「接續選項」組成螺旋狀的敘說循環過程中生成。六、提出敘事結構特徵與敘事視框轉變的心智循環空間模型。其中研究目的一:了解社會文化脈絡如何形塑生活目標,由研究結果一、二回答;研究目的二:探討以生活目標為主訴的諮商工作其敘事視框的轉變,由研究結果三、四回答;研究目的三:探討生活目標在敘事諮商歷程中的敘事結構之改變特徵,由研究結果五回答;研究目的四:釐清敘事文本詮釋與知識生產,由研究結果六回答。最後,根據研究結果提出研究與應用的建議。


The life goal in everyday life can be used both as an alleged word or a subjective word. If life goal use as an alleged word, it is a communication tool for people to refer their relationship with social life. People in social activities use it as a tool function. If life goals use as a subjective word, life goal has left from social life field and enter into the subjective context or episodic memory field, life goal become a description of the person's life world. Life goal turned to be a subjective meaning space. Life goal is treated within personal meaning context in which it is as a manifested. According to the research title, purpose and research methods, literature review lists to discuss four themes: First, life goals as alleged word; Second, life goals as the subjective word; Third, the nature of the narrative psychotherapy; Fourth, narrative therapy work map and narrative structure. The text for research is based on 25 counseling sessions within 18 months by narrative psychotherapy method. In this research try to integrate therapy process and experience by case study, and systematically explore life goal change and narrative elements in therapy process. There are four research purposes: First, is to understand how the social and cultural context shapes life goals. Second, is explored life goal setting as chief complaint in therapy, how are the narrative perspective changed. Third, to clarify the life goals change in narrative therapy process how is the narrative structure emerged. Fourth, is to engage text interpretation and how the knowledge be produced. Phenomenological approach was applied as analyze method which is according to Moustakas' modified van Kaam method for analysis (Moustakas, 1994). This hermeneutic analysis method includes seven steps: 1. description of experience: listing and preliminary grouping, 2. horizonalization: reduction and elimination, 3. meaning units: clustering and thematizing the invariant constituents, 4. thematizing: final identification of the invariant constituents and themes by application, 5. individual textual description: construct for each co-researcher an individual textual description, 6. individual structural descriptionconstruct: construct for each co-researcher an individual structural description, and 7. textural-structural description: construct for research participant a textural-structural description of the meanings and essences of the experience. Six findings will be addressed below. First, depicting the characteristics of the world that made her live "without herself". Second, by de-construct the dominate stories to reveal alternative stories and "away from" constructed life goal. Third, clarify co-authoring and stories reconstruction process. Fourth, to explore how narrative frames transform that would emerge subjectivity life-goal. Fifth, sorting out the change features of life goal in narrative structure, which include: 1. Be-constructed narrative: the restricted narrative structure features; 2. De-constructive narrative: the release narrative structure feature; 3. Re-constructive narrative: the rewriting narrative structure feature; 4. Life goal is generate within "previous experience" and "continued options" which consist a narrative spiral. Sixth, proposed the mental circulation space model and the transform features of narrative structure. The first research purpose is to understand how social and cultural context shape life goals which could be answer by first & second results. The second research purpose is to exploring narrative frame transform that was based on narrative counseling by life goal as chief complain which could be answer by third & fourth results. The third research purpose is to explore narrative structure features changing in narrative counseling for life goals which could be answer by fifth result. The Fourth research purpose is to clarify narrative text analysis and knowledge production which could be answer by sixth results. The contribution of this study is found that the narrative structure of narrative therapy contain with three elements: 1. Beconstructed Narrative Structure- restricted state. The first narrative element is the cons tructed narrative structure. Stories about life goal in restricted narrative structure state mainly cluster of stories related with the problem stories. 2. Deconstruction Narrative Structure-release state. The second narrative element is the deconstruction narrative structure. Stories about life goal in releasing narrative structure state mainly cluster of stories related with conflict stories. 3. Reconstruction Narrative Structure-Rewriting state. The third narrative element is the reconstructed narrative. Stories about life goal in rewriting narrative structure state mainly cluster of stories related with the reconciliation stories. Finally, suggestions are offered and limitations of the study are explained.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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