


The Perspectives of Novice School Counselors in Taiwan Elementary and Secondary Schools for Pre-service Training Programs




宋宥賢(Yu-Hsien Sung);李佩珊(Pei-San Lee);張聖杰(Sheng-Chieh Chang)


專任輔導教師 ; 需求評估 ; 滿意度 ; 職前培訓 ; Needs assessment ; novice school counselors ; pre-service training programs ; satisfaction




51期(2018 / 04 / 01)


217 - 262




《學生輔導法》規定2015年起全國中小學初任輔導人員需完成40小時職前基礎培訓課程。為此,本研究邀請113位參與2015年培訓主要參與者-國中小初任專輔教師,參與問卷調查(共100位)與訪談(共13位),並以Kirkpatrick與Kirkpatrick (2006)四層次教育訓練評估模式(Four Level Evaluation Model)中的反應層次內容(reaction)為依據,初探其對此培訓的滿意狀況、相關參與經驗與期待等。量化結果顯示:初任專輔教師對整體培訓略屬滿意,然對部分培訓面向仍感不足,如培訓時程安排、培訓對輔導資源運用、對輔導策略研擬之幫助等。對此,質性結果進一步補充專輔教師略感滿意之原因,即整體培訓有助其職前預備,並提升專業認同及專業形象建構。此外,質性結果亦顯示,據專輔教師觀點,培訓待改進處尚包含(一)政策執行層面:培訓未分流、必選修課程規劃未落實、未事先瞭解參與者背景與課程需求;(二)課程主題層面:未完整依學校輔導所需規劃整體課程;(三)課程設計層面:部份課程偏重基礎概念講述,忽略實務層面之重要性、部份課程設計較不符學校輔導工作脈絡。綜此,本研究綜整專輔教師對培訓之相關期待,並據以擬定實務與未來研究建議;並進一步提出雙軌式訓練理念,以優化現有課程架構。


After Taiwan's Ministry of Education enacted "Student Guidance and Counseling Act" in 2014, thousands of novice school counselors are recruited to provide counseling services in elementary schools and secondary schools. Based on this act, school authorities must also arrange at least 40 hours pre-service basic professional training programs for novice school counselors to enhance their professional counseling capacity and even to help them realize the job descriptions of school guidance work in advance. However, there are no any empirical studies regarding this pre-service basic professional training programs until now. Some studies indicate that if the effectiveness and quality of professional training programs want to be improved, the perspectives and opinions of the participants for the professional training programs need to be explored. Therefore, to explore the effectiveness of the training programs and to provide constructive suggestions for the further training programs, this study recruits the main participants of the training programs - 113 novice school counselors to participate in the quantitative survey and the qualitative interview. The purpose of this study is to explore satisfactions, needs, and participating experiences of these novice school counselors for the training programs based on the reaction level of Four Level Evaluation Model (Kirkpatrick & Kirkpatrick, 2006). The data is collected by self-report questionnaire and semi-structured interview, and then these collected data is analyzed by Rasch PCM Model, good-of-fit test, and constant analysis. The results indicate that these novice school counselors feel dissatisfied with some aspects of the training programs which do not meet their needs. For instances, they feel dissatisfied with the time planning of the training programs, topics of courses among the training programs, teaching methods of courses among the training programs, and so on. As a result, their expectation for this training programs are as below. First, they expect that these courses among the training programs should be divided into compulsory courses and elective courses according to different positions of participants, and this categorization not only can assist the novice school counselors to establish their common professional capability but also assist them to establish the professional capability according to their different positions. Second, they expect that the organizer needs to survey the participants' training needy and then plans the training programs. Third, they think that the best period to hold the training program is summer vacation. Fourth, they think that, in order to enhance the effectiveness of the training program, the organizer needs to adopt some appropriate teaching methods for these novice school counselors, such as case method, practical discussion, and so on. Fifth, they expect that the organizer should establish evaluation mechanism to evaluate the effectiveness of the courses among the training program. Although the above-mentioned expectations are deserved consideration, overall, these novice school counselors still agree with the values of the training programs. For instances, they agree that the training programs can assist them to understand the work contents of school counseling, to clarify their role definition, and to prepare well basic professional skills for school counseling, thereby enhancing their professional identification and building their professional images. In addition, this study also proposes the two-track training and blended learning models for promoting novice school counselors' qualities and abilities. Most importantly, this study reorganizes the course structures of the training programs. Based on the results of this study, it is expected that the effectiveness and appropriateness of the training programs can be improved to support the development of professional capability of novice school counselors.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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