


Guanxi and corruption: Ethical behavior of the civil servants on Chinese cultural relations




余一鳴(Yi-Ming Yu)


差序格局 ; 儒家關係主義 ; 社會交換 ; 殺熟 ; differential matrices ; Confucian social relations ; social exchange ; deceived by trust




60期(2015 / 06 / 01)


1 - 40






Previous research has revealed that culture is a crucial factor associated with corruption. However, no studies have comprehensively examined the culture- corruption relationship, and no theoretical explanations for such relationship have been provided. In Chinese communities, the part of culture that emphasizes connections and relationships is considered a critical factor that interferes with the rational allocation of power among civil services and creates the following cultural phenomenon: "Connections smooth the way, and having no connections creates difficulties." The cultural norm, "Treat others according to their kinship and capabilities," is not only a behavioral rule but also an ethical regulation, dictating that people must care for those who are related to them. In other words, traditional culture, with its emphasis on connections and relationships, is the reason and excuse for people to specifically care for only those who are related to them and to use public resources for personal purposes.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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