


Understanding Collaborative Networks in Emergency Management: A Case Study of Education Reconstruction after 2009 Typhoon Morakot in Taiwan




謝儲鍵(Chu-Chien Hsieh);林煥笙(Huan-Sheng Lin);陳敦源(Don-Yun Chen)


協力 ; 社會網絡 ; 緊急災害管理 ; 災後重建 ; 非政府組織 ; collaborations ; post-disaster recovery ; emergency management ; non-governmental organizations ; networks ; social network analysis




62期(2016 / 06 / 01)


59 - 125




當災難範圍越龐大、性質越趨複雜,非政府組織能否在傳統以政府為主的災害管理體系中,扮演關鍵角色,一直是公共行政學門理論與實務當代熱門的討論議題。基此,本文欲探究非政府組織(Non-Governmental Organizations)在緊急災害協力網絡中,組織動員與資源分配的政策執行參與情形,並且試圖了解非政府組織在救災協力的整體網絡(whole network)及個別組織互動網絡的聯接關係,以發掘現行協力網絡互動的缺失與問題可改善的途徑。本文以莫拉克風災之災後教育重建為例,嘗試應用社會網絡分析法,從非政府組織的觀點,瞭解災後重建中行動者之間協力網絡關係與互動。研究發現在治理與行政層面的協力關係,公部門依舊扮演重要角色,對於災後重建的專家、資源連結上,皆為重要行動者。在自主性、相互關係與規範等面向,國際非政府組織與行政院莫拉克颱風災後重建推動委員會,是重要的網絡節點。而慈濟基金會在自主性網絡中,呈現影響其他組織自主性的現象。此外,本文發現非政府組織在災後教育重建網絡中,各自連結不同的非正式與個人網絡。最後,僅有少數大型組織較有機會參與緊急災害管理決策,也就是說,其他小型組織的決策參與是被排除的。最後,本文建議,未來緊急災害管理網絡的理論與實務,必須朝協力行動網絡運作的理論深化邁進、藉此強化政府和非政府組織的合作關係,其中,政府在權力分享的過程中,必須以開放的態度與非政府組織構築信任關係與協調管道,並與網絡行動者做好充分的風險溝通,是災後重建協力成功與否的關鍵。


The role NGO (non-governmental organizations) played in large-scale and complex emergency management is always a hot spot of researches and debates in the field of public administration. By using Thomson, Perry, and Miller's theoretical model of collaboration as a framework which depicts the post-disaster recovery efforts as a collaborative network organized around governance, administration, autonomy, mutuality and norm, this study intents to explore the collaborative and intermediary roles performed by non-governmental organizations in a real-world case, the education reconstruction after the 2009 Typhoon Morakot. The results indicate that: First, the public sector still plays a major role in collaborative networks, especially on the parts of resource and professional connections. Second, international NGOs and the Executive Yuan's Morakot Post-Disaster Reconstruction Council are the two critical connectors in autonomy and mutuality dimensions. The Buddhist Tzu Chi Foundation maintains an autonomous operation separated from the collaborative network and has an influence on other organizations’ autonomy. Almost every organizational participant has different informal and personal networks. Lastly, only big organizations are involved in emergency management decision-making. Finally, this paper suggests that: First, more efforts are needed to tackle the practical problems of emergency management network by exploring deeper into the theoretical and empirical aspects of the problem, especially on the part of collaborating with the NGOs. Second, one of the keys of post-disaster recovery is to enhance government's competence in collaborating with the NGO in every stage of emergency relief, among all the competences, building trust, communicating risk, and building effective coordinating channels are most critical ones.

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