Participatory budgeting (PB) has recently gained considerable attention in Taiwan. This new initiative of democratic governance has been implemented in most municipalities and local communities across Taiwan. However, most of the current research on PB focuses on the process of participation and lacks relevant discussion about the results of PB's projects completion after public participation. As the administrative agency cannot effectively accomplish the projects of citizen participation, it can easily lead to adverse effects on governance. In comparison with other cases, Taipei City takes a different approach to practice PB on a city-wide scale and adopts the idea of project management (PM), which was primarily developed in the private sector, in order to effectively manage PB projects. Therefore, the main purpose of this research is to understand how Taipei City faces the challenges of different political forces and to explore how to apply PM in the PB's project execution process. Based upon the life cycle of PM, this study collects data from document analysis and in-depth interviews. The results found that the political stakeholders have varying degrees of influence on the implementation of PB's projects, but they don't hinder the development and progress of PB. In essence, the public sector and the private sector pursue different goals. When the government integrates the concept of PM into the public sector, the application will be different from the private sector. Limited to the hierarchical control of public institutions and the characteristics of administration by law, the discretion of the PM managers and the capacity to integrate resource use are low. Additionally, constrained by the competencies of project managers and controlled by the design of the accountability mechanisms, the project managers have limited autonomy to complete these PB's projects. Consequently, this study suggests that public projects should be perceived as a social process, emphasizing the creation of public value rather than the application of rational tools to manage the project processes. According to the findings, this study can provide theoretical development of project management in the public sector as well as suggestions on the practical progress of PB implementation.
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