


Analysis of the Stress Coping Styles Among University Volleyball Players


許志祥(Chih-Hsiang Hsu);楊紀瑜(Jih-Yu Yang)


公開組 ; 高強度競賽 ; 聯賽 ; Open Group ; High-intensity competition ; League




45卷1期(2022 / 10 / 01)


12 - 25




目的:本研究為分析大學排球選手比賽壓力因應方式以及差異性。方法:以「大學排球選手比賽壓力因應方式量表」作為分析排球選手比賽壓力因應方式之工具,共計發出208份問卷,剔除無效問卷後共計204份,有效回收率達98%。建構三個因素共計15題,總變異量累積百分比為75.30%。本研究對象年齡介於18-23歲。問卷回收後以描述統計調查受試者基本資料,以單因子變異數分析(one-way ANOVA)進行樣本差異性考驗。結果:大學排球選手比賽壓力因應方式,排名前五名分別是「盡全力」、「喊出來提升士氣」、「接受隊友鼓勵」、「告訴自己一定可以做到」、以及「接受教練鼓勵」、「與隊友溝通」等各項目。結論:不同球齡大學排球選手在「正向激勵」因素、以及不同比賽位置大學排球選手在「正向激勵」以及「任務導向」因素達顯著差異。本量表建構良好信度與效度,期望未來能對大學排球選手進行比賽壓力因應方式調查,藉以了解排球選手如何排除比賽壓力,創造比賽優勢,提供相關數據,作為未來學校發展排球運動訓練及比賽之參考。


Objective: The purpose of this study was to understand the stress coping styles and the differences among university volleyball players. Method: This research compiled the "University Volleyball Players' Stress coping styles Scale in Competitions ". A total of 208 questionnaires was sent out. 204 questionnaires were valid questionnaires, and the return rate was 98%. A total of 15 questions is constructed with three factors. The cumulative percentage of total variance explained is 75.30%. The subjects were aged between 18-23 years old. After the questionnaires were collected, the descriptive statistic was used to survey the basic data of the subjects, and one-way ANOVA was used to test the variance of the samples. Results: University volleyball players were stress coping styles out of the top five in the categories of " do your best ", " shout out to boost morale ", " receiving encouragement from teammates ", " tell yourself that you can do it ", " receive coaching encouragement ", and " communicate with teammates ". Conclusion:There were significant differences in the " positive motivation " factor among university volleyball players of different training ages and the " positive motivation " and "task-oriented" factor among university volleyball players of different competition position. This scale is designed to provide good reliability and validity, and is expected to be used in future surveys of university volleyball players' responses to game stress, in order to understand how volleyball players can eliminate game stress and create game advantages, and to provide relevant data as a reference for the future development of volleyball training and competition in schools.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
基礎與應用科學 > 基礎與應用科學綜合
工程學 > 工程學綜合
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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