


Financial Regulation and Private Enforcement: Reflections on Regulatory Developments after the Global Financial Crisis


邵慶平(Ching-Ping Shao)


私人執行 ; 私人發動權 ; 私人訴權 ; 吹哨者法制 ; 金融消費者保護法 ; Private Enforcement ; Private Right of Action ; Private Right of Initiation ; Whistleblower Statute ; Financial Consumer Protection Law




40期(2013 / 07 / 01)


95 - 141






The eruption of financial crisis of 2008 represents a prime example of regulatory failure. While the crisis was being brewed in a loosely regulated environment, regulators continued to be optimistic about the economic prospect and chose to do nothing to prevent it. The regulatory inaction has made it clear that more power rendered to regulators alone in the re-regulation process cannot stop another crisis from happening. Private enforcement mechanism should also be reinforced for this purpose.The concept of private enforcement is seldom mentioned in Taiwan’s legal scholarship. In addition to articulate this concept, this article further takes two examples to examine the status quo of private enforcement in Taiwan’s post-crisis financial regulatory environment. It suggests that emphasis on private enforcement be the major difference between the evolution of US whistleblower statutes and Taiwan’s law on private report of legal violations to authorities. The borrowing of the whistleblower statutes cannot be adequately done without taking into full account the private right of initiation. In terms of private right of action, both the Financial Consumer Protection Law, enacted this January, and the decade-long Investor Protection Law have weakened it in exchange for the easier pursuit of private remedy. As this article argues, the acknowledgement of private enforcement is badly neglected and strongly needed in Taiwan.

主题分类 社會科學 > 法律學
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