


Phonological Awareness, Phonetic Awareness, Word Construction, and Word Parsing Skills in Chinese: A Grade 1 to Grade 2 Longitudinal Study




廖晨惠(Chen-Huei Liao);黃忻怡(Shin-Yi Huang);曹傑如(Chieh-Ju Tsao);白鎧鋕(Kai-Chih Pai)


中文閱讀 ; 聲韻覺識 ; 聲旁表音覺識 ; 造詞能力 ; 斷詞 ; Chinese reading ; phonological awareness ; phonetic awareness ; word Construction ; word parsing




20期_下(2012 / 12 / 01)


31 - 65






This present study examined the longitudinal effects of phonological awareness, phonetic awareness, word construction, and word parsing skills to Chinese reading. One-hundred and fifty-seven first graders were assessed on phonological awareness, phonetic awareness, word construction, word parsing and reading measures. The results showed that phonetic awareness and word construction skills predicted Chinese reading accuracy and fluency concurrently and longitudinally.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 統計
社會科學 > 教育學
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