Chun-Hui Center for Persons with Intellectual Disabilities, affiliated by Chung Hua Foundation for Persons with Intellectual Disability (established in 1984) was established more than thirsty-year history. For improving disability research, the foundation launched "Research Center for Intellectual Disability, Taiwan (RCIDT) in 2001. The aims of RCIDT are to increase information interchange, multi-disciplinary & multi-sectorial cooperation among disability service stakeholders. The RCIDT initiated "Journal of Disability Research (Taiwan) (JDRT)" in July 1, 2003, and it has published more than 200 research articles until now. The JDRT is included by many local research index systems and it is increasing its social and academic impacts gradually. We commit the future disability research should focus on the following strategies to improve quality of life for persons with disabilities: advocate human right for persons with disabilities, strengthen health care and health promotion for persons with disabilities, supporting service manpower development for persons with disabilities, initiating research on aging issue of persons with disabilities, assessing the impact of new disability identification (ICF), creating healthy and safety institutional care for persons with disabilities.