


An Action Research on Enhancing Partnership between Rural Schools and Communities for Planning of Community Development Projects-A Case Study of the Lichi and Fuyuan Communities, Taitung




李光中(Kuang-Chung Lee);張惠珠(Hui-Chu Chang);王鑫(Shin Wang);黃可欣(Ko-Sing Huang);王鈴琪(Ling-Chi Wang);蔡嘉玲(Chia-Ling Tsai)


學校社區夥伴關係 ; 環境教育與溝通 ; 協同規劃 ; 參與論壇 ; school-community partnership ; environmental education and communication ; collaborative planning ; participatory forum




5卷2期(2008 / 03 / 01)


89 - 130




鄉村學校常常是偏遠社區的文教中心,不但影響著社區的教育發展,同時在經濟和社會發展上也都扮演著重要的角色。許多證據顯示,偏遠社區內的學校遭裁撤後,社區也喪失了存續的活力。在平衡城鄉差距、帶動社區總體營造的課題上,鄉村學校可以扮演重要角色。然而在國內研究中、小學學校與社區相關文獻中,尚缺乏有關鄉村小學參與社區發展並與其成爲夥伴關係的研究,本研究則擬探討此主題。 本研究探討鄉村社區發展所涉及之學校和社區夥伴關係的議題,選擇具有特殊地景和產業的台東利吉泥岩惡地鄰近的社區爲研究區。透過分析權益關係人的組成,並釐清他們關心的重要在地公共議題,進而探討如何設計和實施更有效的權益關係人參與方式,以增進權益關係人的夥伴關係和在地珍貴資源的永續經營。在權益關係人夥伴關係的研究問題上,本研究特別著眼於搭建社區和學校夥伴關係的方法,以及雙方共同規劃社區發展相關計畫的步驟,希望研究成果能貢獻於鄉村地區永續發展的研究和實務。 研究結果發現,「社區和學校夥伴關係工作平台」可以像一座新搭建的橋,重新連結和活化社區與學校之間的夥伴關係。夥伴關係工作平台的準備過程和討論方式係依據協同規劃理論的架構而設計,會議過程有助於增進權益關係人之間的知識力、社會力和行動力。本研究成果所提出的「促進鄉村社區與學校夥伴關係模式之行動研究架構」,可提供其它地區從事相關主題之參考。


Rural schools usually play an important role on the education, economic and social development of their communities in countryside areas. Evidence shows that many small rural communities have failed to remain robust after losing their schools. The purposes of this study are to explore the extent of the traditional and innovative contributions of rural schools to their community, to examine various interests of stakeholders related to their rural development, as well as to figure out the proper ways of participation and collaboration among them. An action research was conducted to design and implement various forms of 'school-community partnership platforms' such as workshops, communication forums, outdoor education activities, training courses, as well as committees composed of members of communities and schools in the light of Healey's theory of collaborative planning. The findings show that the school-community partnership platforms' are like new bridges connecting local communities and their schools. Through the discussion and working on the platforms, both members of communities and schools figured out a common ground of their interests and draw up proper community development projects collectively. The platforms prove to be a genuine assistance to promote knowledge resources, relational resources, and mobilization capacity among schools and communities.

主题分类 工程學 > 市政與環境工程
社會科學 > 教育學
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