


An Investigation of Environmental Issue-based Summer Camp Activities to Elementary School Students' Situational Interests




蔡執仲(Chih-Chung Tsai);鄭丞棋(Cheng-Qi Zheng);鄭瑞洲(Rui-Zhou Zheng)


生物多樣性 ; 情境興趣 ; 博物館 ; 營隊教學 ; biodiversity ; situational interests ; museum ; camp teaching




14卷1期(2018 / 06 / 01)


39 - 76






This study was conducted in a summer camp held by an elementary school in Nantou County, which last for three days and two nights. The participants were 68 third to sixth grade students. The theme of the lessons given in the camp was "biodiversity," designed by the museum. The daytime lessons included outdoor observations and nature experience; whereas, the evening lessons were indoor learning with group discussions about some challenging questions based on students’ prior experiences and in combination with environmental issues faced in daily life. Research results indicated that the camp activities involving environmental issues and field experiences indeed elicited students' situational interests. Students were able to link to their life experiences and discuss about how to solve the problems with their peers. By sharing each other's experiences, appropriate action strategies could be developed. These interactions could make the overall learning environment more diverse, providing students with a chance to apply the knowledge that they have learned. In addition, students showed a high degree of situational interest to specific environmental issues, adopting a more friendly attitude towards the environment which presents an opportunity for developing personal interests in continuous care for the environment.

主题分类 工程學 > 市政與環境工程
社會科學 > 教育學
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