


Reflections on the Development of an Experiential Course in Local Farming




楊筑鈞(Jhu-Chun Yang);蔡執仲(Chih-Chung Tsai);鄭蕙玲(Hui-Ling Cheng)


永續發展 ; 食農教育 ; 體驗教育 ; sustainable development ; food and agricultural education ; experiential education




16卷2期(2020 / 12 / 01)


83 - 130






This study uses the local living environment and sets up fields for carrying out teaching activities on campus, combining case study school, community and university teams to develop special curriculums that integrated social, cultural, and industrial issues with local food and agriculture. The curriculum is eco-centric and aims to involve students in experiencing coexistence model in order to foster their environmental-friendly behavior. 19 students from Grade three to five experienced farming activities and participated in the qualitative research of this study which last one academic year. The learning activities focused on local issues and includes planting seasonal crops, experiencing indigenous cultural traditions and creating material for situational teaching. Through the experiential learning process, students learned how to cherish the land and became aware of how changes of the four seasons affected crop growth. With the assistance of the residents and farmers, students learned how to cook with seasonal ingredients and inherited experiences from the previous generations. They learned to cherish food, share harvest, understand the farm-to-table concept and the importance of reducing food miles. With the experiences, students should appreciate the slow food lifestyle and our ancestors' reverence for nature. This experiential course in local farming meets the core literacy requirements in the 12-year basic education curriculum guidelines. It cultivates students' sense of place and environment-friendly behaviors and understand the eco-centric approach to sustainable development.

主题分类 工程學 > 市政與環境工程
社會科學 > 教育學
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