


The Impact of Moral Maturity, Perceived Moral Intensity, and Ethical Climates on Ethical Decision-making Intentions of Individual Employees




方妙玲(Miao-Ling Fang)


倫理決策意向 ; 道德成熟度 ; 道德強度知覺 ; 功利導向氣候知覺 ; Ethical decision-making intentions ; Moral maturity ; Perceived moral intensity ; Perceived egoistic climate




6卷1期(2008 / 06 / 01)


127 - 152






This study is an attempt to better understand the considerations of ethical decision-making intentions of Taiwan employees when they are faced with ethical dilemmas. Results indicate that the relationship between moral maturity and decision intentions is mediated by perceived moral intensity, and that the relationship between perceived moral intensity and decision intentions is moderated by perceived egoistic climate. Using a survey methodology, this study design a decision-making scenario to explore factors influencing the ethical decisions in which workers may be asked to make. Data are collected from 690 workers and conduct Regression and ANOVA to test the hypotheses. Normative implications are discussed, as are implications for future theorizing, research and management practice.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
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