The long run relationships between Taiwan semiconductor industries in each pre-and post-period of the internet bubble crash are investigated by stock return spillover, price volatility spillover and volatility asymmetry leverage effects of capital market in this paper. Those effects are examined by the multivariate EGARCH model. The empirical sample includes 37 traded stock prices of the integrated circuit (IC) design, semiconductor foundry, IC probe and packaging companies which have been indexed into upper, middle and lower stream index, respectively. The empirical results reveal that the event of the internet bubble crash indeed became an important turning point. The stock return and price volatility spillovers in pre-crash period are more relative than which in post-crash period. In pre-crash period, the middle stream is more significant than the upper and the lower streams for leading signal change of business cycle. Previous findings also confirm that the Taiwan semiconductor industries initialed from the pattern of original equipment manufacturer (OEM). In the post-crash period, the upper stream has deviated from the middle and the lower streams, and the relationship between the middle and the lower streams still keep on stable and close, indicating that the investors concentrate their focus on released information of each stream when the output value enhanced after the internet bubble crash.
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