


Impacts of Foreign Worker Importation on the Unemployment, Occupational Choice and Wage Rates of Local Workers




江豐富(Feng-Fuh Jiang)


外籍勞工 ; 一般化兩階段估計法 ; 失業 ; 職業選擇 ; 工資 ; Foreign worker ; Generalized two-stage estimation method ; Unemployment ; Occupational choice ; Wages




37卷1期(2006 / 10 / 01)


69 - 111






The generalized two-stage estimation method is employed to estimate occupational attachment equations and to correct for the potential existence of selectivity bias in occupational wage equations. A variable representing the foreign worker intensity in each two-digit industry is included in the equations to show how importation of foreign workers affects the occupational choice and wage structure of local workers. The results for these equations are as anticipated and can be summarized as follows. First, the foreign worker intensity tends to be positively associated with the probability that local workers are in unemployment. Second, intensity of foreign workers in each industry reduces the probability that local workers attach themselves to an operative, laboring, or craft job, while increasing the chance of their attaining a professional, technician, associate professional, clerical, service, or sales job. Third, importation of foreign workers has little adverse effects on the wage rates that local workers receive.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
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