


The Effects of Career Counseling Curriculum on Career self-efficacy and Career decision-making for High School Students




黃瑛琪(Ying-Chi Huang);連廷嘉(Ting-Chia Lien);鄭承昌(Cheng-Chang Jeng)


生涯輔導課程方案 ; 高中生 ; 生涯自我效能 ; 生涯定向 ; the career counseling curriculum ; career self-efficacy and career decision-making




14期(2006 / 06 / 01)


36 - 63




本研究的主要目的在探討生涯輔導課程方案對高三學生生涯自我效能及生涯定向之輔導效果,以提供未來學校輔導工作的參考及應用。 本研究採前後測的準實驗設計,以高中三年級六十名學生為對象,在高三生涯輔導課程方案實施之前兩週,實驗組學生及控制組學生分別施測「生涯決策自我效能預期量表」與「生涯決策量表」,待實驗處理後進行後測。實驗組接受為期十二週,每週一節課五十分鐘之實驗處理,控制組則不做任何處理。本研究之依變項為生涯自我效能及生涯定向二類;自變項則為實驗處理。本研究以「生涯決策自我效能預期量表」及「生涯決策量表」測量之。所得資料以共變數分析進行統計考驗。 本研究發現: 一、生涯輔導課程方案對高三學生之生涯自我效能整體層面具有輔導效果;進一步單因子共變數分析顯示,生涯輔導課程方案對生涯計畫、目標選擇、生涯資料收集、問題解決、能力與人格的自我評量上亦具輔導效果,但對於職業的自我評量之輔導效果則不顯著。 二、生涯輔導課程方案對高三學生之生涯定向整體層面之輔導效果不顯著。 最後,研究者針對研究結果加以討論分析,並對輔導實務以及未來研究提出若干建議。


The major purposes of this study were to develop a career counseling curriculum and examine the immediate effects of career counseling curriculum on career self-efficacy and career decision-making for high school students. To examine possible effects, a quasi-experimental research design was performed. There were 60 high school students who participated in this study. The 29 subjects in the experiment group were arranged to attend 12 sessions of career counseling curriculum for 12 weeks, and the 31 subjects in the control group received no treatment. Two major instruments including Career Decision-Making Self-Efficacy Scale and Career Decision-Making Scale were used in this study. In both pretest and posttest, all subjects were asked to complete Career Decision-Making Self-Efficacy Scale and Career Decision-Making Scale. After performing the analysis of covariance to avoid the time effects of research design, two conclusions were drawn: 1) The career counseling curriculum had an immediate effect on career self-efficacy. 2) The career group counseling curriculum had no significant effect on career decision-making. Finally, suggestions based on the results of this study were provided for school counselors. Some topics for future research were also indicated.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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