With the development of technology, relevant industries of games have been flourishing and even permeated through our daily life. However, with the development of games, there have constantly been launches of games of their same kind, bringing about the phenomenon of repetitiveness of games. This phenomenon has led to the loss of players' interests in playing those games. Therefore, for a game designer, how to design a unique and interesting game is very important. In addition, the component of game is called Playability. This research investigates the correlation between player and game through works of reference and analyzes the generalization of Playability of games. With documents from scholars as Clanton, Jarvinen, Helio, Mayra, Desurvire, Caplan, Jozsef, Chi-Nien Chen, and Chia-Lun Tsai as references for the analysis of Playability, there are three features being concluded. The interface, system, and interactivity of games are characteristics that all the scholars regard as factors of games' Playability. Moreover, these features are found to be the same as those proposed by scholar Clanton, who was the first person proposing the idea of Playability. As a result, these characteristics are considered as the main basic elements of constituting games.
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