There is a discrepancy in whether to use Putonghua as the medium of instruction in Chinese teaching (PMI) among scholars of the education circle in Hong Kong. One of the rationales points to the effectiveness of PMI on improving pupils' Chinese language level. In the past, there were few studies or the relationship between the teaching process and outcome in a PMI classroom. In this paper, a PMI lesson was analyzed and compared with a lesson with the same content but was taught in Cantonese (CMI). The relationship between teachers' instruction and students' learning outcome was explored. Evidence showed that there was adverse effect on students' learning in PMI class due to the problem of language translation between Cantonese and Putonghua. It is therefore concluded that there should be an in-depth analysis of PMI lessons and comparative study between PMI and CMI lessons so to make further improvements and support teachers to teach in Putonghua more effectively.
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