


The Study of Junior High School dropout-at-risk Students' Dropout Intention and Related Factors Model




廖裕星(Yu-Zing Liao);林清文(Chin-Wen Lin)


中輟高危險學生 ; 中輟意圖 ; 結構方程模式 ; dropout-at-risk students ; dropout intention ; structured equation model




29卷1期(2007 / 05 / 01)


25 - 45




本研究旨在瞭解台灣地區國中中輟高危險學生的中輟意圖及其相關因素模式,採調查研究法,及隨機抽樣之方式取得327名國中中輟高危險學生為樣本進行研究工具施測,並針對樣本在「學業表現」量尺、「學校人際」量尺、「其他行動」量尺、「中輟意圖」量尺、「外部定諾」量尺、「校外偏差同儕團體參與」量尺、「學業自尊」量尺與「行為表現」量尺之反應資料,採取描述性統計、Pearson積差相關t考驗、結構方程模式等統計方法進行統計分析工作。茲將研究結果摘要如下: 一、國中中輟高危險學生學業表現、學業自尊較一般國中生低落,偏差行為較一般國中生嚴重。 二、國中中輟高危險學生自評學校人際與一般國中生相較並無差異。 三、國中中輟高危險學生學業表現、偏差行為和學校人際有密切相關。 四、國中中輟高危險學生偏差行為和校外偏差同儕團體參與有密切相關。 五、國中中輟高危險學生學業表現、學校人際、偏差行為、其他行動和學業自尊有密切相關。 六、國中中輟高危險學生偏差行為、校外偏差同儕團體參與和外部有密切相關。 七、國中中輟高危險學生其他行動、外部定諾和中輟意圖有密切相關。 八、國中中輟高危險學生中輟意圖及其相關因素模式得到支持。 本研究係針對上述之結果進行討論,並提供具體建議以為相關實務工作或未來研究之參考。


The purpose of this study was to understand the junior high school dropout-at-risk students' dropout intention and related factors. The present study randomly surveyed 327 junior high school dropout-at-risk students. There were eight instruments applied in this study: ”academic performance” scale, ”school relationship” scale, ”others way” scale, ”dropout intention” scale, ”external commitment” scale, ”joining out-school deviant peer group” scale, ”academic self-esteem” scale and ”behavior” scale. The data were analyzed with a number of descriptive statistic methods, Person correlation t-test and structured equation model. The results of this study were listed as follows. 1. The junior high school dropout-at-risk students had lower performance than the general junior high school students on the academic performance and academic self-esteem, rather than on deviant behaviors. 2. There was no significant difference in the school relationship between the junior high school dropout-at-risk students and the general junior high school students. 3. The academic performance and deviant behaviors of junior high school dropout-at-risk students were highly related to the school relationship. 4. The deviant behavior of junior high school dropout-at-risk students was highly related to joining out-school deviant peer group. 5. The academic performance, the school relationship, the deviant behaviors, and other behaviors of the junior high school dropout-at-risk students were highly related to the academic self-esteem. 6. The deviant behavior, joining out-school deviant peer group of the junior high school dropout-at-risk students were highly related to the external commitments. 7. The other behaviors and the external commitments of the junior high school dropout-at-risk students were highly related to the dropout intention. 8. The junior high school dropout-at-risk students' dropout intention and its related factors model were supported. According to the results, a number of specific suggestions for clinical workers and future researches were provided.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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