The purpose of this study was to understand the junior high school dropout-at-risk students' dropout intention and related factors. The present study randomly surveyed 327 junior high school dropout-at-risk students. There were eight instruments applied in this study: ”academic performance” scale, ”school relationship” scale, ”others way” scale, ”dropout intention” scale, ”external commitment” scale, ”joining out-school deviant peer group” scale, ”academic self-esteem” scale and ”behavior” scale. The data were analyzed with a number of descriptive statistic methods, Person correlation t-test and structured equation model.
The results of this study were listed as follows.
1. The junior high school dropout-at-risk students had lower performance than the general junior high school students on the academic performance and academic self-esteem, rather than on deviant behaviors.
2. There was no significant difference in the school relationship between the junior high school dropout-at-risk students and the general junior high school students.
3. The academic performance and deviant behaviors of junior high school dropout-at-risk students were highly related to the school relationship.
4. The deviant behavior of junior high school dropout-at-risk students was highly related to joining out-school deviant peer group.
5. The academic performance, the school relationship, the deviant behaviors, and other behaviors of the junior high school dropout-at-risk students were highly related to the academic self-esteem.
6. The deviant behavior, joining out-school deviant peer group of the junior high school dropout-at-risk students were highly related to the external commitments.
7. The other behaviors and the external commitments of the junior high school dropout-at-risk students were highly related to the dropout intention.
8. The junior high school dropout-at-risk students' dropout intention and its related factors model were supported.
According to the results, a number of specific suggestions for clinical workers and future researches were provided.
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