Purpose: to analyze Do-Not-Resuscitate (DNR) among patients with Tracheostomy in Medical Intensive Care Unit (MICU). Materials and Methods:a retrospective study was conducted via electronic medical records to analyze patients with tracheostomy in MICU from 1st of August, 2013 to 31st of December, 2015 (2 years and five months in total). Result: A total of 112 patients with tracheostomy were recruited with average age 71.1 years old (SD =15.2) and none of them have signed DNR agreement, with an average number of 4.3 (SD =3.6) and 3.3(SD =3.3) readmitted to hospital and ICU retrospectively during the period of study (29 months in total). There are 103 patients who have implemented tracheostomy in our hospital and all of them were with consent made by their families. Among them, 30 patients (29.1%) have received a consultation regarding tracheostomy from medical personnel in advance, but only 12 patients (11.7%) had the consultations right before surgery. The group with consultation has a significantly higher rate of discussion in their family meeting compared with the group without consultation (30% vs. 6.8%;p value = 0.002). There were 99 patients discharged from hospital with an average age 70.8 years old (SD = 15.3). Among the discharged patients, 48 patients (48.5%) were in coma or unconsciousness, 31 patients (27.7%) with pressure sores, and all of them (100%)were bedridden, dependent on others and almost all patients required 24-hour oxygen therapy and mechanical ventilation (n = 95;96%) and many of them were transferred to Respiratory care ward (RCW) (n = 42;42.4%). Conclusion: patients in MICU were mostly elder and the decision of implementing tracheostomy was made by their families. Therefore, this study suggests medical personnel should respect the medical autonomy for conscious patients. Regarding to patients who are unconscious and required full-time cares, the medical team should convene a family meeting to fully inform follow-up care of the tracheostomy, medical status and most importantly to introduce the concept that the continuation of life could not ensure patients' quality of life and to make medical decisions from the patients' point of view, providing an option to stop futile medical care.
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