


An Empirical Research on the Relationship between Consumer Use Innovativeness, Switching Costs and Switching Intention




胡婉玲(Anne Wan-Ling Hu)


使用創新性 ; 轉換成本 ; 轉換意圖 ; 行動電信服務業 ; Use Innovativeness ; Switching Cost ; Switching Intention ; Mobile Telecommunication Services




3卷4期(2006 / 12 / 01)


399 - 421




消費者轉換成本乃廠商爭奪顧客搶舊留新的重要砌石,尤其對產品市場飽和期的行銷活動影響甚鉅,由於消費者主觀知覺(perceived)的轉換成本除了受廠商策略與產品效果影響,也會因消費者的人格特質不同而產生感受差異。過去文獻支持人格創新性乃消費者產品使用態度與行為的重要前因,本研究首度採用Price and Ridgeway所提影響消費者使用行為的人格「使用創新性」(use innovativeness),用以驗證人格創新性對消費者心理認知層次的轉換成本之影響。本研究以產品市場已達飽和、最能凸顯廠商間對消費者轉換成本攻防競爭的行動電信服務業為實證對象,驗證消費者之使用創新性、轉換成本與轉換意圖間關係, 並採取「偏最小平方法」(Partial Least Squares)作為線性結構分析工具,進行信效度檢驗與變數關係假說之整體模式檢定。結果使用創新性對關係類、財務類轉換成本關係顯著,而程序類與關係類轉換成本對轉換意圖呈顯著負向;此外,在轉換成本扮演中介角色(mediator)下,從使用創新性經轉換成本至轉換意圖,以通過關係類轉換成本之路徑最強,而經過財務類轉換成本之路徑則須結合其他兩類轉換成本方能對轉換意圖產生顯著影響,本研究亦根據實證結果推衍出多條動態策略管理路徑。


Consumers' switching intentions have become a hot topic in marketing research in recent years. Consumers' perceived switching costs, as well as being affected by manufacturers' strategies and the effectiveness of the products, are differentiated according to differences in consumers' personal characteristics. Modern technological products are moving towards functional integration, turning personal innovativeness into an important antecedent for researching consumers' product use. Studying what effect this use innovativeness has on consumers' concept of switching costs has definite real-world and academic value. This study investigates the relationship between use innovativeness, switching costs and switching intention by adopting partial least squares as a linear structure analytical tool to conduct an integrated model examination of validity tests and variable relationship hypotheses. The significant relationship between use innovativeness and relative and financial switching costs, the markedly negative effect procedural and relative switching costs have on switching costs, and, with switching costs acting a mediator, the route from use innovativeness via switching costs to switching intention form dynamic strategy paths.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
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