


Impacts of Price-Matching Guarantee and Convenience on Purchase Intention: Based on the Retailer




劉財龍(Tsai-Lung Liu)


價格保證 ; 便利性 ; 購買意願 ; Price-Matching Guarantees ; Convenience ; Purchase Intention




6卷4期(2009 / 12 / 01)


549 - 589






To bridge the gap of past studies, the purpose of this research was to explore how impacts of retailer's price-matching guarantees and convenience on purchase intention, and how moderate effects of convenience on price-matching guarantees and purchase intention. After 500 pieces of questionnaires was collected by random sampling from consumer of five price-matching guarantees retailers. Results were indicated that (1) the higher retailer's price-matching guarantees compensation money and the lower involvement complexity, the higher purchase intention; (2) the retailer's price-matching guarantees refund time had no significant influence on purchase intention; (3) the retailer provided more convenience (i.e., time, place, acquirement, use, implementation) and the higher purchase intention; and (4) convenience had moderate effects on price-matching guarantees and purchase intention. Based implications of the research findings, four suggestions were discussed for retailers (1) providing price-matching guarantees information to potential consumer; (2) focusing higher price sensitive consumer group to build up high reliability of compensation money; (3) simplification of price-matching guarantees involvement complexity; and (4) enlargement of convenience alternative.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
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