


The Study of Emotional Blackmail toward Consumer Purchasing Intention - Moderating Variables of Self-Esteem


劉仲矩(Chung-Chu Liu);莊心宜(Sin-Yi Jhuang)


情緒勒索 ; 購買意願 ; 自尊 ; 服飾業 ; emotional blackmail ; purchase intention ; self-esteem ; clothing industry




13卷2期(2016 / 06 / 01)


185 - 215






People nowadays think highly of appearance showing to others, so they often go shopping to buy some new outfits for themselves. Presently, there are a lot of shopping stores and the competitions between clothing industries have been keen. Not only merchandises can get customers into the store, but also the service is quite important. In the process of serving the customers, it is possible that they may want to reach sales targets and bring some negative conflicts to customers and lower their purchase intention. Otherwise, they don't want to shop anymore because of the poor service. The purpose of study is to learn the relationship between the consumer's emotional blackmail perception and purchase intention, and the consumer's "self-esteem" acts as mediator in order to learn about the interaction between these three factors. Total of 450 consumers who have ever gone shopping in the shopping stores were selected. The results showed that "consumers' emotional blackmail perception" has a significant effect on "purchase intention", "self-esteem" has a significant effect on "purchase intention", and "self-esteem" does have a moderating effect. In summary, with respect that the result of this study can offer to the shopping stores, and provide a reference direction for employees to implement the training course. In order to reach more sales targets, they have to strengthen the service quality and improve customer loyalty.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
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