


Exploring the Relationships among the Parental Bonding, Family Function and Adolescents' Depression




林耀盛(Yaw-Sheng Lin);李仁宏(Jen-Hung Lee);吳英璋(Yin-Chang Wu)


雙親教養態度 ; 家庭功能 ; 青少年憂鬱 ; Parental bonding ; Family function ; Adolescents' depression




3卷1期(2006 / 06 / 01)


35 - 45




目的:本研究探討雙親教養態度、家庭功能與青少年憂鬱傾向間關係,並透過追蹤一年,嘗試瞭解影響青少年憂鬱傾向的風險因子。 方法:取樣南部某所國中一年級全體學生(N=1028),以「兒童憂鬱量表」、「雙親教養態度量表」和「家庭功能量表」為研究工具,評估受試者的雙親教養態度、家庭功能和目前憂鬱狀態。 結果:(1)青少年憂鬱傾向有增加趨勢,女性的憂鬱狀況顯著高於男性。在兩次憂鬱測量上,女性在兩次的憂鬱得分呈現顯著變化,女性相較於男性得分偏高。(2)經兩次迴歸分析,發現女性、單親家庭、母親高度關懷、家庭責任度低和家庭衝突性高,可以顯著預測第一次憂鬱傾向。而第一次憂鬱分數、母親高度關懷、家庭衝突性高和家庭情感涉入程度高,可以顯著預測第二次憂鬱分數。(3)因果模式分析顯示,第一次憂鬱分數高,第二次憂鬱分數也顯著性高;低度家庭功能和青少年的憂鬱狀態,對於青少年憂鬱心理病理具有重要影響力。 結論:母親的高度關懷和家庭情感涉入反而造成青少年壓力,同時單親、家庭衝突性高和家庭獨立性低等因素造成整體家庭功能下降,這些因子可能共變形成雙重束縛,進而促發憂鬱,值得臨床心理工作者注意。不良的家庭功能會增加個體的憂鬱程度,由此臨床工作者對少年憂鬱傾向進行心理諮商時,家庭系統心理治療法的取用,可能是重要的介入策略。


Objective: The purpose of this study was to explore relationships among parental bonding, family function and depression in adolescent populations through a one-year follow-up study. Risk factors and possible explanations for adolescent depression were also investigated. Method: The subjects of this study were 1028 junior high school students in a city of the Southern Taiwan. The parental attitudes and behaviors, family function, and depression disposition currently perceived by the adolescents were evaluated using the Parental Bonding Instrument (PBI), the Family Function Scale-child edition (FFS)and the Children Depression Inventory (CD). Result: The results revealed that (1) Demographic variables of gender and family type was significantly different for adolescents' depression dispositions; depression index in girls was significantly higher than in boys during the one year interval and depression index in the single-parent family was significantly higher than in the other family type. (2) Regression analysis found that female, single-parent family, high family conflict, high mother caring, low family responsibility and high family involvement were the most significant variables to predict the depression disposition in adolescents. (3) Low family function and the depression disposition previously given had the important impact to affect the depression states in adolescents. Conclusion: It is important to conduct the family therapy for the adolescents' depression than through the individual therapy.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 預防保健與衛生學
醫藥衛生 > 社會醫學
社會科學 > 心理學
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