In order to improve community college instructors' abilities to design curricula bearing a close resemblance to the learners' real world, for both learners and instructors could have a better understanding of the local cultural, social, and natural environment, and increase the ability of reflective thinking, we strongly recommend ”infusion curriculum design” as a doorway helping the learners and instructors to know their lifeworld and themselves with a more critical and dynamic perspective. By comparing the similarities as well as differences between infusion and integrated curricula, and by taking infusion curricula from various community colleges into account, this paper demonstrated different types of curriculum infusion strategies. Furthermore, based on the logic of social constructivism, contextual learning, community of practice, and action science, with an emphasis on the fact that knowledge and skills were related to social contexts and related theories we provided a depth and strong theoretical foundation for infusion curricula taught at community colleges, which suggested an important reference for the curriculum implementation in the future.
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