


Indigenous Cultural Curriculum in Lan-Yu High School: The Analysis from the Perspective of Indigenous Community Based Curriculum




譚光鼎(Guang-Ding Tang);張如慧(Ju-Hui Chang)


原住民 ; 社區本位課程 ; 社區本位教育 ; 蘭嶼 ; indigenous education ; community-based curriculum ; community-based education ; Orchid Island




17卷1期(2009 / 03 / 31)


75 - 106




臺灣目前並沒有真正符合原住民社區本位課程理想的學校,但從中央政策到學校革新的脈絡來看,它應是值得推動的政策,因此,本研究以蘭嶼高級中學進行個案研究,先探討蘭中原住民文化相關課程的現況,再由原住民社區本位課程的觀點,分析若未來企圖朝此方向推動課程時,可能待解決的問題及未來的展望。蒐集資料的方法包括訪談與觀察,研究時間自2007年8 月起至2008年8月。研究結果發現, 蘭中原住民文化的相關課程, 主要是由一些較資深的漢籍教師及原住民籍的教師,長期累積發展出來的。課程從正式、非正式到融入式課程皆有,內容包括雕刻、陶土、編織、樂舞、划船、生態、烹飪、觀光、文學、語文等。這些作法對傳承傳統文化具有正面意義,但若由原住民社區本位課程的觀點來看,目前學校與社區長期且深入互動的關係,仍有待建立,而社區雖發展出許多抵殖民的行動,但是,這樣的行動尚未能影響學校發展出抵殖民的學校教育策略。對未來的建議包括主動建立與社區意見領袖及相關組織的正式對話和合作管道,與社區建立共同教育願景;在各學習領域皆以融入的方式,結合現代知識與傳統文化知識,加強教師多元文化素養,促進中小學在課程設計上合作的機會,讓學生了解傳統文化在現代知識中的意義等。


Even though there is no school which is exactly based on the theory of indigenous community-based curriculum in Taiwan however indigenous community-based education is the promising policy from the context of indigenous school innovation. The aim of the case study is to explore practice of the cultural curriculum in Lan-Yu High School in Orchid Island, Taiwan, and analyzed from the perspective of community-based curriculum in order to understand the possibility and difficulty in the future development. The research began in August 2007 and ended in April 2008. The data-collecting methods are interviews and observations. The research concluded that the school successfully developed diverse traditional cultural and culture-relevant curriculum, but the long-term and deep interaction between the school and the community still needed to be developed, and the decolonial actions in the community did not constitute the decolonial educational strategies in the school. The suggestions for the future include: creating the educational vision and the opportunity of cooperation with the community, continuing developing immersion and cultural-relevant curriculum and instruction, improving teachers' multicultural literacy and the cooperation in curriculum development between elementary and high schools, and helping students understand the meanings of traditional culture through the scope of mainstream knowledge in the modern society.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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