


An Examination of the Mediating Role of Academic Emotion to Self-regulated Learning Model: Taking Math as Example




江民瑜(Min-Yu Chiang)


自我決定動機 ; 自我調整學習策略 ; 知覺教師自主支持 ; 學業情緒 ; academic emotion ; perception of teacher's autonomy support ; self-determination motivation ; self-regulated learning strategy




21卷3期(2013 / 09 / 01)


113 - 150






The study aims at testing: (a) a structural model of the mediating role of academic emotion between the self-determination motivation and self-regulated learning strategy; (b) the moderating effect of students' perception of teacher's autonomy support on the self-regulated learning model. The sample consisted of 656 fifth and sixth graders represting 22 classrooms from 11 schools in Kaohsiung City. Data were analyzed using structural equation modeling and multi samples analysis. Results indicated: (a) autonomous motivation positively predicted academic emotion and self-regulated learning strategy, controlled motivation negatively predicted academic emotion but positively predicted self-regulated learning strategy, and academic emotion positively predicted self-regulated learning strategy; (b) the effects of autonomous and controlled motivation on self-regulated learning strategy were mediated by academic emotion, and academic emotion augmented the effect of autonomous motivation on self-regulated learning strategy but reduced the effect of controlled motivation on self-regulated learning strategy; (c) on the condition of high perception of teacher's autonomy support the positive effect of autonomous motivation on academic emotion was significantly higher than that on the condition of low perception of teacher's autonomy support, and on the condition of low perception of teacher's autonomy support the positive effect of academic emotion on self-regulated learning strategy

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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