


The Effects of Psychological Capital Learning Intervention Program for Elderly Workers in Children's Culture and Education Institutes




李新民(Hsing-Ming Lee);黃文三(Wen-San Huang);沈碩彬(Shuo-Pin Shen)


工作表現 ; 工作滿意 ; 心理資本學習介入方案 ; 兒童文教事業高齡工作者 ; 組織承諾 ; job performance ; job satisfaction ; psychological capital learning intervention program ; elderly workers in children's culture and education institutes ; organizational commitment




22卷4期(2014 / 12 / 01)


105 - 148






This study investigated elderly workers in children's culture and education institutes aiming to develop the psychological capital (PsyCap) learning intervention program, and to explore the effects of this program with research experiment. This research adopted nonequivalent pretest-posttest design, where 60 elderly workers in children's culture and education institutes were randomly selected as subjects for test. Thirty of them took the PsyCap learning intervention program, while the other half took the health management curriculum. All the measurement data resulting from the four scales, PsyCap, organizational commitment, job satisfaction, and job performance, were collected for statistical analysis. The research results indicated that the intervention program significantly enhanced the elderly workers' PsyCap, organizational commitment, job satisfaction, and job performance. Suggested future researches and improvement for elderly workers' intervention program in children's culture and education institutes were also mentioned in this research.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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