






余民寧(Min-Ning Yu);翁雅芸(Ya-Yun Weng);張靜軒(Ching-Hsuan Chang)


性別差異 ; 數理科學 ; 學習動機 ; 後設分析 ; 臺灣 ; gender difference ; math and science ; learning motivation ; meta-analysis ; Taiwan




26卷1期(2018 / 03 / 31)


45 - 75






Purpose: The meta-analysis method was used in analyzing data extracted from thesis and peer review journals from 2003 to 2013, as inputs in understanding male students or female students who have the better learning motivation, learning interest and learning attitude in math, nature science and computer science. Design/methodology/approach: This study extracted the articles of journals from "PerioPath Index to Taiwan Periodical Literature System" and the articles of theses and dissertations form "National Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations in Taiwan." Totally, 72 journal and these articles were collected and used in this study. Findings: Meta-analysis results showed that the male students had a significant outperformance than female students. The published times, the stage of schooling, the subjects (math, science and computer science), the variables (motivation/attitude/interest), and the subscales all had a significant impact on the gender difference. But the variable impact of sample size was not significant. In the elementary school, the gender difference was not significant, but the gap of gender difference was increasing, especially in the stage of high schooling. The gender difference was highest in the south area cities of Taiwan, however in the midland area cities of Taiwan, the gender difference was not significant. The past five years, Taiwan's students had more gender difference in the learning motivation, learning interest, and learning attitude in math, nature science, and computer science. The results meant that the society was not friendly supported for female students in studying math and science. Originality/value: This study integrates the researches from dissertation and journal in Taiwan for past 20 years. The meta-analysis was used to examine the gender differences in the learning motivation, learning interest, and learning attitude in math, nature science, and computer science. The major issue of gender difference in learning motivation in math, nature science, and computer science was found increasing in different stage of schooling. That deserved much attention and caring from government, teachers, and parents. Finally, some conclusions and suggestions for practical applications and future researches were suggested and proposed.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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