






陳碧祺(Pi-Chi Chen)


師資培育 ; 班級經營 ; 科技教學內容知識 ; 透明化科技融入教學 ; 自我研究 ; teacher education ; class management ; technological pedagogical content knowledge ; transparent technology integration into teaching ; self-study




29卷2期(2021 / 06 / 30)


1 - 32






The researcher teaches at a normal university, located in southern Taiwan, known for cultivating pre-service teachers and professionals for industry and commerce. This study aims to investigate: (1) how to implement the teaching concept of TPACK (technological pedagogical content knowledge) in the teacher education course "Class Management", and (2) how to integrate "transparent technology" in assisting pre-services teachers to obtain class management knowledge and to build the skills, as well as experience the learning environment of TPACK. By following the self-study procedure, namely retrospection, foresight, analysis, and integration, the researcher was able to design and develop TPACK-based Class Management curriculum and teaching strategies for the course. The researcher went on to implement and subsequently investigate the course based on teaching effectiveness, and then to review and improve the teaching process. The study summarized the teaching evaluations of a total of 429 pre-service teachers from different departments, covering from 103 to 106 four academic years. Evaluation of the course effectiveness was based on the following criteria: (1) the five categories of "Teacher Professional Qualities" for the pre-service teachers' education; (2) the three major "Core Literacy" of the 12-year Basic Education; and (3) the content of integration of information technology into teaching. The teaching evaluation and student feedback showed that the teaching content, teaching materials, teaching methods, homework design, and cloud-based course operation generated positive experiences and feelings from the students. However, the question of improving the credibility of multiple qualitative assessments used in the course remains to be considered and addressed. In conclusion, the researcher put forward three points of reflection for follow-up teaching research improvement and planning with regard the direction of improvement for future curriculum design and teaching research.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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