


The Effect of the Correctness of the Fundamental Movement Pattern of One-hand Basketball Push Shooting on the Accuracy of Shooting




顧毓群(Yu-Chun Ku)


單手推射投籃動作 ; 基本動作組型 ; one-hand push shooting OHPS ; fundamental movement pattern FMP




7期(2005 / 11 / 01)


53 - 75




This study aimed to examine the effect of the correctness of the fundamental movement pattern (FMP) of one-hand basketball push shooting on the accuracy of shooting one-hand push shooting (OHPS). Seventy-eight male university freshman students (mean age=19.8 years, SD=1.4 years) participated in this study. Each subject took three tests: constant, various shooting distances and with different degrees of variability in shooting distances. Each shooting performance for the former two tests was videotaped. Their shooting patterns were then assessed and divided into two groups according to their correctness of the FMP. The data were analyzed through relevant statistic procedures. According to the major findings of this study the conclusion of this study are: first, in terms of the definition of specific shooting patterns, the OHPS has its explicitly correct FMP. Secondly, the correctness of the FMP of OHPS had positive effect on the accuracy of shooting at constant and various distances. Thirdly, for participants whose FMP was correct, their test performances on constant and various shooting distances, and in these three tests in terms of the degree variability in shooting distances were significantly correlated (p<.01), but for those whose FMP was incorrect, their test performances on constant and various shooting distances and their performances on low and high degree variability of the tests weren't. Fourthly, those participants with accurate FMP are more capable of developing a GMP and motor schema of OHPS adaptable to different degrees of variability in shooting distances than those with inaccurate FMP.


This study aimed to examine the effect of the correctness of the fundamental movement pattern (FMP) of one-hand basketball push shooting on the accuracy of shooting one-hand push shooting (OHPS). Seventy-eight male university freshman students (mean age=19.8 years, SD=1.4 years) participated in this study. Each subject took three tests: constant, various shooting distances and with different degrees of variability in shooting distances. Each shooting performance for the former two tests was videotaped. Their shooting patterns were then assessed and divided into two groups according to their correctness of the FMP. The data were analyzed through relevant statistic procedures. According to the major findings of this study the conclusion of this study are: first, in terms of the definition of specific shooting patterns, the OHPS has its explicitly correct FMP. Secondly, the correctness of the FMP of OHPS had positive effect on the accuracy of shooting at constant and various distances. Thirdly, for participants whose FMP was correct, their test performances on constant and various shooting distances, and in these three tests in terms of the degree variability in shooting distances were significantly correlated (p<.01), but for those whose FMP was incorrect, their test performances on constant and various shooting distances and their performances on low and high degree variability of the tests weren't. Fourthly, those participants with accurate FMP are more capable of developing a GMP and motor schema of OHPS adaptable to different degrees of variability in shooting distances than those with inaccurate FMP.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 體育學
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